Players old date they know it well, they know the pitfalls of a video game that concentrates all its strength in trying to get you to fail, to get you wrong, they know what it means calibrate every step and every move in function of a final result, of a score which could inevitably label you one way rather than another, in the eyes of friends and especially rivals. They know what it means to sweat to do everything as quickly as possible by learning each level by heart, they know the weight of a well-posed challenge, at the expense of everything else, at the expense of the plot, the characters and the underlying narrative vicissitudes, and it is precisely about this kind of spirit "Archaic" that the experience of Sir Lovelot. The boys of Sometimes You e pixel.lu however, they did not limit themselves simply to taking a "distant" type of approach and transposing it into a contemporary work, they also tried to refresh it with some ideas that inevitably lighten the general contents, curious flashes that, despite their simplicity, will touch without doubt some particular ropes, especially of most players nostalgic.
What is this Sir Lovelot talking about?
Sir Lovelot DON'T has a real plot, it is an adventure in which you have to play the role of a errant knight, which level by level will have the sole objective of conquering the princess on duty (there is, deliberately speaking, no deepening of the plot on anything that will pass before your eyes, translating from the beginning an experience that makes ofimmediacy one of its strong points, touching on the anachronistic in its posing). Everything, in fact, is set in a world of appeals fairy tales medievalizing, with a whole series of elements that refer to the most classic fantasy stories and above all to the fairy tales we all know ... only here there is no morality, in every sense. In order to gain access to the towers of the princesses, you will need to collect a few objects specific scattered throughout the game world (flowers, rings ...), and then deliver them promptly, earning the much sought-after room at the top of the tower. Certainly every search will be studded with dangers of all sorts, dangers that will put a strain not only on the life of the protagonist, but also and above all the patience of those who hold the pad in their hands.
A refreshed archaic structure
From the point of view of structure Sir Lovelot features cut graphics artistic related to pixel, with a skilful modeling of every single one model e background, which undoubtedly knows how to fascinate from the very first start. The action develops all in this 2D world in which you will have to face a series of self-contained levels full of pitfalls and monsters of all sorts to block the road. Gamepaly is the main strength of this title, with a lateral scrolling that is immediately fluid and recognizable, to the point of avoiding directly explaining the various game controls, extremely classical.
Each level is centralized around the conquest of new princess who lives in those parts. Getting his favor, as mentioned above, won't be easy, as Sir Lovelot's level design features an increasing curve of the difficulties. If initially the traps and pitfalls and obstacles may appear simple, so will not be with gradual advancement. The protagonist is able to attack from medium and long range, to jump (even double jump), to exploit the protrusions and to leverage the various surfaces present in the game to overcome the situations in which he incurs. At the beginning of a new level of Sir Lovelot a timer and everything you do from that moment on will come valued and reported in a final explanatory diagram. There is no limit of lives or deaths, there is no limit of attempts, there is only the final score on which everything that is done in game weighs. In addition to overcoming the various obstacles, and collecting the objectives, you can also choose to carefully analyze the level in question, in search of the various secrets and coins, excellent if you want to achieve perfection.
Sir Lovelot's world turns out enough variegated in its position, despite being devoid of a real story and one lore. It is the drawings and what you have in front of your eyes that speak, referring to many other stories that have moved along the same generally, trying to refresh an approach to the consumer that today has remained linked to some specific niches. Of course, going beyond the central challenge not much remains to be said about this video game which, while having fun, remains quite repetitive, leading to a discourse that does not find a real conceptual resolution in its progress, thus remaining an experience rather smoky if analyzed in its entirety, even if curiously emotional.
This Sir Lovelot absolutely does not want to baste intellectual reasoning or reflections that are too nostalgic, it is enough to note the simplification at the base of his “plot” reasoning and above all the goliardia general present not only in his spirit, but also in its structural characterization (just note the various titles to frame the levels). It is this kind of initial sincerity that makes the title something particular.
In summary with Sir Lovelot we find ourselves in front of a title, in pixel art, extremely curate from the postural aesthetic-creative, with a curiously general structure nostalgic in which the player's challenge becomes more and more central, thus requiring a gradual one concentration which is increasingly detached from the apparent initial premises. It remains to be seen the response general towards such a market experiment, towards an adventure that tries to rejuvenate some rather archaic dynamics of the sector, focusing its attention on the player himself and not too much on the general writing to frame the context, in a care that undoubtedly for certain little things, it would go keeping an eye.