Just a few days ago we wrote you about the incredible news about the making of a new film from the universe of Star Wars and who will direct it Taika Waititi. He, already close to the Star Wars universe thanks to the direction of the last episode of the TV series "The Mandalorian”Available on Disney +, he became famous above all with the films of Thor: Ragnarok e Jojo Rabbit (the latter able to also give him an Oscar for best non-original screenplay).
Although there is no information on the new episode of Star Wars at the moment, what is leaking today concerns the involvement of a significant name within Disney. Kevin Feige, president of the Marvel Studios, it seems he will take care of the production of the aforementioned film. For him it will be something completely new as he has never collaborated on works related to the George Lucas universe but always within the MCU.
Considered by many to be the most capable and richest film producer of anyone else, who knows if he will be the right man to lift the moods of the fans of the saga who have little appreciated the latest Star Wars trilogy. Certainly Feige is a man capable of creating an enormously vast universe full of plots that is perhaps just what the Star Wars imagery needs.