A new card game has been available for a few hours in the project pages Kickstarter! Is called Star Scrappers: Orbital and was presented by Hexy Studio (from Warsaw, Poland), former authors of Terraforming Mars. The Kickstarter campaign will expire on Saturday 21 November and has already exceeded the minimum amount to ensure the success of the fundraising, set at 15.000 euros (currently they have been raised over 60.000 euror). To the countryside (here the official Kickstarter page dedicated to the board game) have already taken part Supporters 1.197. Considering that there are still 10 days to go, the signals coming from the outside are certainly encouraging!
Star Scrappers: Orbital is a card game meant for a maximum of 5 players (you can also play alone), designed by Jacob Fryxelius and set in Space. The players will have to expand their orbital stations adding cards "Module", Managing everything through event cards, attacking enemy space stations and competing for build the best structure, more diversified and balanced. The game features updated rules, fantastic illustrations and two different single player modes: for players prone to behavior peaceful or for those damn competitive, in addition to aexclusive expansion dedicated to supporters of the crowdunding project.
The core of the mechanics behind Star Scrappers: Orbital lies in adding module cards to your orbital station, following the input and output diagrams shown on each card. After building a module, players will be able to move their crew accordingly. Military modules and event cards will allow you to damage other players' space stations, but combat is not always the best choice for winning. As proof of this, the game allows you to take two paths: one for peaceful players and one for competitive ones. Starting only with the basic module, a few coins and a crew, in 5 rounds (years), the players will have to expand their space stations and will have to interact with the opponents by means of modules and event cards, in continuous alternation.
The cards available offer several actions:
- Construction
- Strengthening
- Purchases of cards to add to your hand
- Action Cards (the cost of which will be paid in cash or crew members)
- Event
- Repair
At the end, Victory Points will be awarded (to the players with the highest number of modules possessed in each of the six colors that distinguish the various types of cards).
Sonohttps: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = zq29Ypx_ArM the contents of the Core Set (32 euros), the Deluxe Crew Set (55 euros) and the Universe Set (90 euros) have been revealed. The Core Set includes modules to improve scientific research aboard the space station, in addition to modules dedicated to military and support technologies, various upgrades and 45 Crystals, as well as a splendid illustrated book containing all the game rules. The Deluxe Set adds 25 different classes of astronauts to the offer while theUniverse Set additionally offers 6 Legendary Mercenaries and 6 Faction Totems.
The Kickstarte campaignr dedicated to Star Srappers: Orbital will end Saturday 21 November at 23.59 pm in Spain.