2020 spared no one at all. From videogames to cinema, from music to entertainment, the world has stopped, causing many inconveniences. Fortunately, every now and then there are those little good news that rekindle hope and make us think that there is something capable of going in the right direction. Finally, the updates on a highly anticipated RPG have been released, both from the first fans and from the new roles: Cyberpunk Red.
The news regarding the release date dates back to a year ago. After cyberpunk 2020, the first signed edition of the game Mike Pondsmith in 1998. Years have passed, but that game has left an indelible mark and fans have long been waiting for a new manual through which to immerse themselves in that cyberpunk and decaying world. The jumpstart kit, published by Need Games!, it was a great event for all fans of the hugely popular RPG. How long will you have to wait for the final manual?
There are no official dates yet, but something is moving. From RTalsorian Games, the publishing house that published the first edition of the game, reassuring news arrives. According to the statements released, fans will have to expect a manual twice the size of the previous chapter, full of lore and updated elements. At the moment the manual is written, there is a lack of massive editing and final printing. It shouldn't take long, but all those hard covers certainly don't bond on their own. Given the wait, it is easy to think that the publishing house it is using all of itself in the creation of a product that wants to entertain and write a piece of history. Now that RPGs seem to be making a comeback - but in reality they never left - the release of Cyberpunk Red will delight fans of the saga. Meanwhile, we must put our hearts in peace, it will arrive "when it is ready" as remembered by the publishing house.