It's a quiet evening, your parents are out, and you, little kids, are having fun playing around the house with your siblings. All while your babysitter, who by now knows you, tends not to pay too much attention to you, and idly leafs through some magazines. What could possibly go wrong? Here is the perfect opening for the article we're going to cover today: Boogeyman, which opened its campaign Kickstarter.
Boogeyman is a board game developed by Escape Studios, in which you'll have to play a kid of your choice 6 available. You will have to try to collaborate the best to be able to win the game. The game board is completely open and explorable, and depicts the boys' house. The goal will be to collect three objects located in different rooms to get to the final phase, but be careful because you will have to defend yourself from two opponents, the Boogeyman and your psycho babysitter.
The Kickstarter campaign started today and will run for about two weeks, ending on 16th April with the final goal set to 20.000 €. There are three types of donations possible, from 60, 90 e 180 EUR. Excluding the first, each of the next two levels will contain, in addition to the base game and the various stretch goals achieved, also expansion and possibly one card depicting you to use as a game avatar for matches.
La base box will contain: the scoreboard where to move the characters, the regulation, a comic illustrated with all possible endings, 8 stand ed 8 miniature, Many token, each depicting an element, enemy or object of the game and various carte event, status and goal. L'expansion instead it will have new ones inside carte event, status, goal and other additions, a new piece of map to add to the board and a comic with 4 unpublished endings.
With the achievement of stretch goals the authors will add various cards and other endings based on the last figure at which the project will stop. We also recommend an additional version at the cost of 149 €, which will contain colored miniatures da Chiara Grassi, but if you are interested in seeing the project we leave you here the link to the Kickstarter page. Also, if you are interested in the game, we also leave you ours analysis in preview and a video done about it. And you, will you participate in the Kickstarter campaign to defeat the Boogeyman?