With a message sent first to retailers, immediately after to customers of the latest online purchases and then published on the official blog, the Games Workshop surrenders to the COVID-19 Pandemic and announces the lockdown from March 24 to April 14, following the instructions of the British government.
"Hi everyone, it seems like it's finally time to stay home and get it on with that pile of sprues you hid under your bed and that half-painted unit gathering dust on your desk."
Thus begins the press release, clearly recalling that invitation to #restareacasa that has been echoing in the main newspapers and social networks for days, taking advantage of the hobby component of this kind of gaming systems.
“The health and safety of all our customers and staff is the most important thing for everyone here at Games Workshop. In response to the developing global situation regarding the spread of COVID-19, and in compliance with the advice and instructions of both the UK and the rest of the world governments, we are closing Games Workshop centers around the globe. "
Just last night came the unified network announcement from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing the lockdown of all activities in the UK.
“This means that all of our Warhammer and Games Workshop stores will be closed from March 24th through April 14th (at least for now). We will also close our production and distribution centers, so our online stores (Games Workshop, Forge World and Black Library) will not sell or ship any physical products during this time. If you have placed an order recently and are waiting for it to arrive, we may contact you within the next 48 hours. If you have any further questions later, please email our Customer Service team, who will continue to work from home to ensure maximum support during this period. "
From this note it is clear that all the shops, but above all the distribution of e-commerce too, will be temporarily blocked, this will also impose a stop on online platforms by completely blocking the distribution of all goods. This also implies a temporary block to the new publications that will follow in these weeks, going to interrupt the releases and make them resume at the end of April / beginning of May (hoping there will be improvements globally).
In the community there is a big question mark, if this stop will also block the two live shows scheduled for March 28 and April 4 to replace theAdeptiCon. They are thought to be replaced by articles written on the official warhammer-community.com blog.
Meanwhile, Games Workshop has announced many more initiatives to help their players overcome these tough quarantine times ahead. Read here to find out more.