The 17 December 2020 Square Enix has registered two new brands, respectively called "Ever Crisis"And"The First Soldier". Not only that, on December 22nd it also officially registered the trademark of the Shinra Electric Power Company, the enemy corporation in Final Fantasy 7 and returned in the remake. Waiting for the arrival of the second part of the title that sees the director Tetsuya Nomura, therefore, the Japanese software house seems to have two new possible projects in the pipeline. The ending of the first part of the new remake, in fact, presents some elements of novelty compared to the original title, which could generate a lot confusion in new users who hadn't played it at the time of its release.
These two new brands, therefore, could mean the arrival of two new spin-offs of the seventh chapter, which would introduce old characters useful to better understand the plot and guide the players towards the continuation of the adventure of Cloud and his companions. Ever Crisis immediately makes you think of Before Crisis e Crisis Core, both prequels to Final Fantasy 7 as part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7. In particular, since it is very difficult to recover them on current generations, one of them possible remake it would be very welcome news to all longtime fans. The second brand, The First Soldier, is a clear reference to the elite body of the Shinra Public Order Department. Regarding the registration of the Shinra trademark, the hypotheses unfortunately become more nebulous. We do not know if new spin-offs will arrive, if these brands herald the release of some content released as DLC, or if we are faced with something completely new but always somehow connected to the seventh chapter.
In fact, last September, Square Enix registered the brands "Forspoken","A Hero's Bond"And"Nenkon Kihan”, Which to date have not yet led to anything concrete. So we just have to wait with a certainty. The Final Fantasy 7 compilation, enriched by the arrival of the remake, still has a few shots to fire.