Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (here you can find our review) was probably one of the best surprises of this year. Developed by Toys for bob, the latest Crash adventure was designed as a canonical sequel to classic games for PlayStation, therefore not going to consider all the chapters following a Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Toys For Bob has managed to stay true to the original games of N, but despite this she managed to put her own effort above all in terms of art design. Toys for Bob had previously worked on remakes of Spyro's PlayStation trilogy with the Reignited Trilogy and in the last few hours, according to recent rumors, it seems that the team will return to work on a new game dedicated to the purple dragon.
The official Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time artbook seems to confirm the arrival of Spyro The Dragon 4. That anticipation was brought to light by Spyro Universe on Twitter, where images from the artbook uploaded by CrashyNews. In the above images you can see Spyro hiding behind some flying cars. Obviously this could only be a little Easter Egg, since at the beginning of Crash Bandicoot 4 it is possible to find an inflatable donut with the features of the famous dragon, but it is clear how Activision wants to revive both Crash and Spyro and a fourth chapter starring the latter seems to be around the corner.
The first official hint for "Spyro 4" is here! The # Crash4: It's About Time Art Book has a quote which confirms the hint.
"… And a little hint at Spyro." # Spyro4 #SpyroTheDragon
Pictures provided by @CrashyNews. pic.twitter.com/1vLYh9uKzk
- Spyro Universe ? (@SpyroUniverse) December 7, 2020
The first official tip for a possible “Spyro 4” is here! The official Crash 4: It's About Time artbook has a quote that would confirm that suggestion.
"... and a little tip to Spyro."
We repeat the fact that there is currently nothing official and that neither Toys for Bob nor Activision have confirmed or commented on this news. We therefore invite you to continue to follow us to stay updated on the story.