In the last few hours, the infamous Japanese company Square Enix revealed the complete schedule of events that will concern her at al Tokyo Game Show 2020, which will start today. Among the notable names that appear in the list, too Dragon Quest, NieR, final Fantasy e Kingdom Hearts. In addition to the big names in videogame terms, also in terms of personalities, we will have to keep our eyes on the prominent personalities, first of all the eccentric Yoko Taro. Big surprises already from the first day, but with most of the events that will be concentrated on the third and fourth days. Below, we propose the list cited in detail.
1 day
- New information and live gameplay with lots of VR of the new Densha De GO title of Square Enix e Taito;
- At 15:00 local time, rich information on NieR Replicant ver.1.22, NieR Re [in] carnation and NieR: Automata, with present Yoko Taro himself, but also producer Yosuke Saito, composer Keiichi Okabe, Senior Game Designer Takahisa Taura (PlatinumGames) and others.
2 day
- Square Enix Music, a talk show that will focus on the music of Final Fantasy IX and X, featuring several musicians, actors and singers;
- It will then be the turn of SinOAlice, but in its space dedicated to manga adaptation. The talk will see the author of this work and the artist, respectively Aoki Tact e Himiko;
- It's up to the special show dedicated to Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory: at 13:15 local time, there will be a performance dedicated to the development of the game, but also a live performance on the piano. Among the various personalities present on site there are several artists and producers, and in voice connection there will be no less than Tetsuya Nomura.
- New talk dedicated to Square Enix music, dedicated to various titles.
3 day
- Segment dedicated to Outriders and the Japanese version of the game, which will be launched this winter;
- Square Enix Slime Chigiri Pan Challenge Arrange Chapter: a cooking show with comedian Nobuo and multifaceted artist Moga Mogumi;
- New information on Dragon Quest Rivals Ace;
- Then it will be the turn of an interesting show on Youtube, Counter Stop TV;
- A space dedicated to new information on Dragon Quest X, with Koji Aoyama (Dragon Quest X Producer) e Takashi Anzai (Director of DQ X);
- At 10:30 local time it will be the turn of a space dedicated to the SaGa series, which will include all the latest information about it;
- More time together with Counter Stop TV;
- Segment dedicated to Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi, the mobile game of Toji no Miko, with new information on the game and part of the team present;
- It will therefore be now then of mini live concert dedicated to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition OST, in the company of the composer Kumi Tanioka, and on the voice Yae;
- Another talk show dedicated to NieR, Named "Nearly nothing new". which, like the one two days earlier, will take place at 15:00 local time. On the microphone again Yoko Taro, Saito, Okabe and others.
4 day
- The day will open with the performance of the youtuber Kabukin dedicated to Final Fantasy TCG;
- New information on Final Fantasy Brave Exvius;
- New information will come later on War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Complete with announcement of a new project;
- Space dedicated to Marvel's Avengers;
- Segment dedicated to arcade game and mobile game: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai, there will be several connected personalities;
- Video interview with the character designer Toshiyuki Itahana. It will also include stories about the development of FFCC, both from the original title and from the remastered;
- Coming to a close, comes the performance of DJ Ram Rider;
- Finally, it will close with the stream of Final Fantasy XIV with YoshiP, which will focus on YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse. still present Naoki Yoshida, Yoko Taro, Yosuke Saito, and the Global Community Producer of FFXIV Toshio Muro.