In the course of Gamescom 2019, SEGA, he wanted to officially present his new humankind. The video presentation is bizarre, but really very nice. This new strategy has been entrusted to Amplitude Studios, a company also of SAW, apparently born to develop this interesting title.
The intention is to create a historical turn-based strategy, within which players will have to manage a population of their choice from the Neolithic, ferrying it to the modern era, with the possibility of manipulating its culture.
According to Romain de Waubert, chief creative officer of Amplitude Studios, this is a great project and SAW, is aiming really hard:
“Amplitude Studios was founded with the intention of making this game, all the games we have created so far have brought us to this moment. We are thrilled to be able to share with the community what has been at the heart of Amplitude since day one ”.
From what we know the players will start from scratch, creating their own civilization having over 60 different historical cultures, all of course really existed in the course of man's life on earth. Each culture will be differentiated by some gameplay characteristics, also because they want to represent in the best way the substantial differences between Vikings, Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans.
For the moment we don't know the exact launch date yet, but we can tell you that humankind will arrive in the course of next 2020.