Over the last few hours, through a message posted on his personal blog, the well-known author George RR Martin confirmed the numerous information that began circulating online in recent days, declaring that he was working on the television adaptation for HBO di Roadmarks, the science fiction novel by the American writer Roger zelazny published in 1979. According to the author, the television series is currently in the works and will only see the light in two or three years, and will see the collaboration between George RR Martin and Kalinda Vazquez, who previously worked with him on the never-ending film adaptation of The Skin Trade novel and for writing and co-producing Star Trek: Discovery e Fear of the Waling Dead.
Here is the statement released by the well-known author regarding his role within the project:
The story spread online a few days ago and is now literally everywhere on the Internet: I'm developing a new series for HBO, a science fiction show based on Roadmarks, a novel by the late great Roger Zelazny. And I'm here to confirm that this is indeed true. Which is more than can be said about most of the stories about me that I stumble upon these days, boys and girls. (I've said it before and I'll say it again, but sometimes it seems like no one is listening. Don't believe everything you read.) Last year I pitched Roadmarks to HBO along with four other sci-fi and fantasy works (by various other writers) that I thought had the characteristics for great shows. They all had a lot of potential, but Roadmarks was the one that caught the most attention. A great choice, I think. Roadmarks is not as well known as some of Roger's other works, such as the Amber series or Lord of the Lights, but at the heart of it is a simply wonderful concept: the road that stretches throughout history and even into timelines alternatives, constantly growing, constantly evolving, a road that will take you everywhere if you know how to find it.
The story broke a few days ago, and is now all over the internet: I am developing a new series for HBO, a science fiction show based on ROADMARKS, a novel by the late great Roger Zelazny. And what do you know - the story is actually true. https://t.co/eUYqgKzqfp
- George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) February 25, 2021