Respawn Entertainment, the studio behind Apex Legends, Titanfall and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, is celebrating its XNUMXth anniversary, and for the occasion has released a video and a post on the official blog, where it stated that many other news are coming, and they will be huge. The post was written by Vince Zampella, director of the studio, and he made it known, speaking to colleagues at IGN, that at the moment they are not working on a new chapter of Titanfall, although many within the company are very linked to the shooter. Here is what was stated:
Of course, we can't forget Titanfall, which is really close and dear to everyone, here at Respawn, as this franchise has helped the studio chart our map and show the caliber of the titles we want to create right now.
There is nothing in development regarding the series, but it is always here. Personally, I'd like to see some kind of resurrection. We'll see if I can actually make it happen.
Despite the first Respawn title being critically acclaimed, Titanfall 2 was rather unlucky due to Electronic Arts' choice to release the shooter between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, but obviously with Apex Legends things have definitely improved. , both for the software house and for EA.
Furthermore, it must be considered that Electronic Arts could choose other developers to carry on the Titanfall project, at least this is what is clear from the words of Zampella, at the moment in which he mentioned SAYS THE, describing them as "a team for shooters". Coming then to close the speech by talking about ideas that run inside the studio:
They want to create something that doesn't compete with other EA titles, so as to fill in the gaps in our portfolio. We have some really cool ideas, but we'll see them in a bit.
So, many ideas that will not be seen until the right time is right. We will see what Respawn has in mind and if Titanfall will return to our consoles.