When there are a few months left until the arrival of Resident evil village, the eighth and highly anticipated chapter of the long-running saga of Capcom, some information on the first minutes of the game emerged on the net. Again, he is the well-known insider Dusk Golem has tell us about this eighth chapter. Through his profile Twitter, in fact, the insider he described the early game stages of the title, to be precise i first 30 minutes of gameplay. For anyone who does not want to spoil the experience, we warn you that the following article contains SPOILERS, then continue reading with due care.
(2/3) & eventually leads into the scene of the trailer of Chris invading the home, shooting Mia, taking Ethan & Rose into a car, which gets into an accident. Wakes up in a dark snowy forest, a more atmospheric bit where Ethan looks for a phone, finds a weird torn up house, & this
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) March 15, 2021
(3/3) is where things get a bit shaky in timeline of what I know, but eventually you get into the stuff from 1st trailer where an old man gets caught by Lycan, you get a handgun, you sneak through a dark basement, & after escaping the basement get into a more RE4 Village scene.
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) March 15, 2021
Dusk Golem, through a series of posts, told us what should happen as soon as he takes the pad in hand. At the start of Capcom's new survival horror experience, it looks like we'll start with Ethan and Mia's new home, which we can explore freely, and then take the little girl Rose and put her to bed. At that point, as we could see in the trailer, it will arrive Chris, who will shoot Mia and kidnap Ethan and Rose: however, the car in which they are fleeing the house will have an accident. At that point we will go back to checking Ethan, who will awaken in thedarkness of a forest, and will search for a telephone to call for help. We will then meet the werewolves seen in the previous gameplay, we will arm ourselves and, according to Dusk Golem, we will find ourselves in a setting very similar to that of Resident Evil 4.
We remind you that according to what emerged from the official Twitter profile of PlayStation Japan, the Japanese giant will host a live streaming on March 21 (at 12:00 in Spain) talk show during which the new Resident Evil Village gameplay will be shown, but also of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. According to what emerged from the official program, the director of Capcom will be present during the event (which will last about 60 minutes) Morimasa Sato, the model Kayo Satoh e MC Hatsune Matsushima. We just have to wait, maybe some of the scenes described by Dusk Golem will be confirmed.