Through the insider's own official Twitter profile Dusk Golem stated with absolute certainty that Resident Evil 4 Remake is currently under development. The same insider, in the same tweet, however, excludes the possibility that such an operation is currently also dedicated to Resident Evil: Code Veronica. For this last chapter, however, Dusk Golem does not exclude the possibility of seeing a Remake in the future, perhaps based on the results of new polls on the subject by Capcom.
These are the exact words tweeted by Dusk Golem on the subject, translated for you (the original tweet is at the bottom of the news):
I've said this several times, a RE4 Remake is in development, but at this point there is no remake of Code Veronica in the works. This could change in the future based on their polls. They may find that many are interested in a remake of Code Veronica.
Also known by the name of AestheticGamer, Dusk Golem works for the software house Yai Gameworks, specialized in the development of horror games characterized by a particularly surreal atmosphere. Resident Evil 4, however, we remember, is a horror game originally developed by Capcom for PlayStation 2 e Gamecube in 2005, to then land on many other consoles such as PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and so on. As with the initial three chapters of the trilogy, fans hope to be able to admire Resident Evil 4 (one of the most beloved of the saga) in the splendor of 4K resolution in a possible Remake for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S.
RE 4 was the first chapter in the Capcom horror saga to introduce a third-person camera that follows the character behind his back, as opposed to the (splendid) fixed cameras used in Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 2 e Resident Evil 3. The game is set in 2004 and players were asked to take on the role of Leon Scott Kennedy, a former cop who survived the Raccoon City incident. As a government agent, Leon was tasked with investigating the kidnapping of the little girl Ashley Graham, daughter of the US president.
It is not the first time that Dusk Golem talks about Resident Evil 4: a few days ago the same insider said that the VR version of RE 4 would not be the Remake long awaited by fans. Finally, if there is a movie lover among you, we invite you to take a look at the new ones photos from the set of the reboot of the saga, known as "Resident Evil".
I've said this multiple times, a RE4 Remake is in development, but at this point in time there's no Code Veronica remake in the works. That may change in the future, just let them know how you can, like on their surveys they hold, you're interested in a Code veronica remake. https://t.co/2I3NSQU1R5
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) November 19, 2020