In 2004, an unexpected and certainly underestimated title was released for PlayStation 2 and Xbox: Red Dead Revolver, a title first developed by Capcom, then passed into the hands of Rockstar Games. The game featured the protagonist Red Harlow and his quest for revenge towards the Colonel Darren and General Diego, respectively executioner and agent of the murder of his parents. This title had a fairly linear scheme for the time, but four things stood out: an intriguing story, a use of multiple characters (almost forming an improvised gang), a soundtrack composed of pieces by Morricone and, finally, a differentiation of gameplay based on the character used. Unfortunately with Red Dead Redemption these things disappeared, leaving room for an equally beautiful game, equally rich in details and capable of transporting us into a fantastic story made of gunpowder and hay bales, but unfortunately far different from the previous one.
A few days ago Red Dead Redemption 2 has shown itself with a new trailer and new details have been revealed, small pieces of information that stir the waters behind a title that can truly revolutionize a genre. This new chapter, which will serve as a prequel narrating the events of the gang of Dutch (of which John Marston was a part) seems to want to resume some dynamics already seen in Revolver, also adding innovative and modern game mechanics: let's go and see them, one by one, so as to understand why Red Dead Redemption could become a milestone of the genre.
A new concept of Open World
In 2018 we can say it: today's videogame landscape is chock full of Open World. Even titles that don't need this feature tend to include it, just because it sells more. Red Dead Redemption 2, according to Rockstar Games, aims to renew this mechanism, making it evolve into something modern.
The developers are trying to make the game world persistent and consistent: every action will have consequences, and everything around you will evolve over time, as in reality. In addition, every single thing or person scattered around the game world, by the various NPC to objects, it will give the possibility of interaction. In this way you could find yourself having dialogues with a passer-by, or talking with a prisoner, or interacting with a group outside the city: depending on the choices you make, you could evolve the dialogue into a secondary mission, or perhaps into a duel. . A sheriff could only threaten you, and it would be up to you to decide whether to walk away and avoid the fight or take it up. The objects you will find around will also inspire interactions.
This macromechanics, already seen in an embryonic state in many titles, could make the game itself and the whole genre take a big step forward.
The first Next-Gen title
It will seem strange, also because the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One came out in 2013 and it has already been almost 5 years, but this Red Dead Redemption 2 is the first title Rockstar Games of the new generation. Grand Theft Auto V itself was released first on Ps3, only to arrive a year later on Ps4. This is why expectations are high: starting from a certain type of power leaves greater freedom and therefore allows you to take advantage of new features never used before.
A breathtaking story
We will play the role of Arthur, outlaw of the Dutch Van Der Linde gang. If that sounds familiar to you, it's the same band he was a part of John Marston. With Red Dead Redemption 2 we are talking about prequels: Arthur will have to live in a gang hunted by the law (after a robbery that ended badly), with all the problems and frictions that could come out of this tension. In this way, moreover, the story of Arthur will be built by the player, allowing you to choose what type of bandit to be, which path to take and how to behave, taking advantage of a reputation system yet to be discovered.
Among the characters we will meet and take for a walk in the gang we have:
- Dutch Van Der Linde
- John Marston
- Bill Williamson
- Javier Escuela
- Micah Bell
- Sadie Adler
- Charles Smith
- Hosea Matthews
- Karen
- Lenny
- Pearson
You can therefore see how important it will be to interact in the right way with them. You can do this in the fields, which will act as hub for game missions, they will change position as the story progresses and evolve over time, or around the game world, thanks to random encounters.
An advanced artificial intelligence
These mechanics will be joined by an elaborate and complex artificial intelligence, capable of personalizing every single being, from the people you will cross to the horses you will tame.
In the first case, the interaction with the various NPC it will be essential, both to gain income and to discover information. It will also be useful to talk to the various members of the gang: they can in fact give you small missions, or accompany you in yours, allowing you to count on characters with different abilities.
The arsenal and means of locomotion
Character differences in Red Dead Revolver transformed the gunplay from time to time; Red Dead Redemption instead, using mechanics close to GTA, had very similar weapons to each other. Among many things, Red Dead Redemption 2 goes back to basics and changes the details of the guns: they will be different from each other, they will have different feelings and will allow the player to create their own style. The possibility of having infinite weapons on you is also gone: this time you can take advantage of the space behind your back, finished that, finished the equipment.
In addition to weapons, it will be vital to choose and guard the right horse: in fact, according to the breed, key characteristics will also change. The horse moreover, it cannot be left as in RDR, but must be looked after, calmed when needed, fed and must receive the right attention: this is because this time it will not be just a simple means of locomotion, but will be able to carry all those objects (animal carcasses, treasures) and those weapons that Arthur cannot take with him, given the quantity limit of the arsenal.
What's still missing
We know for sure the ability will return Deadeye, seen in both previous chapters, and that also a substantial modality multiplayer open world will be available (certainly following in the footsteps of GTA Online). These ingredients, dosed at the right point, could be the formula of an announced masterpiece.
Here's why this Red Dead Redemption 2, more than a simple evolution of the brand, it results as a fusion between the first two chapters: all the modern features of Red Dead Redemption (such as gameplay, style, mechanics) meet the atmospheres and ideas of Red Dead Revolver (such as the idea of gang, the differentiation of characteristics), producing a chapter on the verge of perfection (at least from the characteristics shown).
It remains only to get your hands on the game, and yet Rockstar Games he has never failed to keep his word, and has often always exceeded the expectations created: how will he manage this time to exceed expectations that are already so high, for such a complex and delicate title? Tell us what you think with a comment, what you expect from this new adventure and what you would like to see in the game.