Starting today, Wednesday 24 March, the Pokémon Go will find some nice news in the game. Let's talk about the week of the wind, which adds new content and missions to the experience, as well as possibilities not to be missed. There Pokémon Go climate week started today is divided into two phases, one of the rain, which will last until 10:00 on Saturday 27 March, and one of the wind, which will start soon after and will remain in our phones until 20:00 on Monday 29 March. So let's find out all the new features added, and how to exploit them.
News of the climate week
In this week of the Pokémon Go climate there are some news dedicated to both phases, while some exclusive ones, let's see them all together.
- Along with some pokémon who love rain and wind, like Wingull e Ducklett, Castform it will be much easier to meet, and coaches will then be able to aim for a version of it Shiny of the monster
- Psyduck, Poliwag, Swablu, Drifloon, Mantyke, Tympole and Ducklett will be featured in the 5 KM Eggs
- Rayquaza returns to raids for the occasion,
- The shop will offer spring-themed avatars and items
- Capturing Pokémon with power-ups thanks to the weather will provide additional Stardust
- In the rain phase Vaporeon, Lotad, Stunfisk they will appear more, while Skarmory, Taillow, Pidove they will show up in that of the wind
Pokémon Go climate week missions
Phase 1
- Catch 10 Water, Electric or Bug-type Pokémon - Reward: Castform in Rain form
- Take a photo of a Water-type Pokémon - Reward: 200 Stardust
- Send 3 Gifts to Friends - Reward: Psyduck
Final prize: Wailmer, 5 Pokéballs, 500 XP
Phase 2
- Catch 15 Water, Electric or Bug-type Pokémon - Reward: Castform in Rain form
- Boost Your Pokémon 7x - Reward: 3 Pineapple Berry
- Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket members - Reward: Buizler
Final prize: Castform in rain form, 7 Pokéballs, 500 XP
Phase 3
- Catch 15 Flying, Psychic, or Dragon-type Pokémon - Reward: Castform in Rain form
- Get a "Good" score with 5 curved balls - Reward: 600 Stardust
- Get 5 hearts with your partner - Reward: Woobat
Final prize: Swellow, 10 Pokéballs, 800 Exp
Phase 4
- Catch 20 Flying, Psychic, or Dragon-type Pokémon - Reward: Castform in Rain form
- Throw at least 9 curved balls in a row - Reward: 1200 Stardust
- Evolve 3 Pokémon - Reward: Swablu
Final prize: Togetic, 12 Pokéballs, 1200 Exp
Hoping that the guide was useful to you, we refer you to our article regarding the new one AR project by Niantic, you can access it at the following link.