When you are talking about future you can't help but talk about virtual reality, of the possibility not only of to live with their own hands the giants worlds within video games, but of go in there right inside, of walk there, to experience everything through aimmersione general that remains on their skin, perhaps eliminating everything else, imprinting in the player's inner imagination a possibility that transcend space and time shaping everything around him. The subject of virtual reality has certainly been imagined and addressed by the human being, first of all through themodern art and the means of expression at his disposal such as the movies, television, or the literature, leading to the birth of works that have undoubtedly inspired the current commercial developments that we experience every day, day after day. There are many sensations and above all the hopes with regard to this field of personal entertainment, and to try to give a direct answer, as well as an initial experimentation, we find large multinationals ready to make their resources to implement these fantasies that, at least for now, DON'T they found one more their clear size. Sony he is among those companies that have tried to make virtual reality something tangible, through his PlayStation VR. Now that on the horizon, however, the PlayStation VR 2 the questions regarding the results obtained so far are manifold.
A reality virtually accessible to a few
One of the limitations biggest players this PlayStation VR 2 will have to face is undoubtedly themonetary accessibility of consumers. With previous work, even outside of Sony itself, we have been able to ascertain a certain type of consumer elitism which soon became a reason for exclusion, originating precisely from prices initials with which these viewers, these tools through which to access a new "playful experience", were put on the market. It was and is a type of technology that undoubtedly required huge investments, which, however, immediately spilled into the pockets of fans, immediately limiting their circulation and generating one selectivity remained more or less so over time.
In addition to the huge cost of the various viewers, when these were made available were, of course, extremely details in their use - above all subjective - with a whole series of indicazioni that the consumer should have seriously considered before going into it (obvious but still fundamental indications in order to build a serene experience). However, going beyond what those who have been able to buy it have lyrically experienced, until now the playful possibilities of the various VR they have not been fully exploited, generating situations that only in the hands of specific developers they left the minimum segno in a community that even now is rather "virgin" e young, ready to take her first steps in a world that doesn't even look at her too much. Many gamers, in fact, DON'T they bought their own equipment in expectation of something more, of that step forward iconographic that would have made VR only of its kind and above all different from anything else on the market. This is it spark that many still await today.
This PlayStation VR 2 arrives following a previous project it seemed to promise a lot, even in its initial inaccessibility, which looked like something about which he would still be invested implementing the usable possibilities especially with the publication of video games and more derivatives, but aimed at exploiting all the potential that we are still waiting to see today. Of course, it remains interesting that these same viewers, born in any case with purely playful implications, have also been exploited for projects outside of the videogame sector. Several have been the research, within academic, who saw the aforementioned viewers used to progress with the various papers, again confirming an identity rather detached, elevated and not too easily accessible, also from the point of view of personal enjoyment. These are the limitations with which the PlayStation VR 2 will have to deal, especially in a world in constant progress in the technological and home sector.
Will the new generation be able to take advantage of the PlayStation VR 2?
The Next-gen videogame is in fact the key which brings us here, which leads us to talk about news which leads us to write about all the steps forward that this sector continues to experience and make day after day. The new consoles have opened a chasm of potentiality, a real dark channel that just waits to be explored, implementing all progress previous and various experimentations implemented up to this moment. Here comes this PlayStation VR 2, here comes this new project that will have to hoist up above missed opportunities and the hopes of the previous car and becoming something else, something different and maybe better.
The announcement came directly from Hidetaki Nishino (senior vice president of platform planning and management), who on the PS blog announced the arrival of this unprecedented VR, which promises and yes promises to engage with the potential of this new generation of consoles even touching unexplored peaks. According to what has been revealed, in addition to the various technical implementations this new VR will be equipped with a unreleased controller, yet another sign of a probable step forward from the various problems encountered previously, which will also meet the needs ergonomic of the players.
Today I am pleased to announce that our next generation Virtual Reality system will arrive on PlayStation 5, allowing fans to enjoy the best entertainment experience with significant improvements in performance and interactivity.
The fact that they have decided to to shift all on PlayStation 5 remains on the one hand understandable, especially in relation to possibility unpublished that this console is able to offer, on the other hand however enough destabilizing, especially if you begin to reflect on the fact that on the PlayStation 4 there was still a lot of work to be done and a lot to say, from develop, and there is almost a feeling of "left halfway", an incompleteness that we hope will now come exceeded altogether. Therefore, all that remains is to wait patiently, also because at least for now nothing "visible" can be seen on the horizon, always remembering that we are talking about an extremely particular sector that certainly still has a lot to tell.