Since the day of its "presentation" - although it was only seen inside through a conference more focused on developers - we have repeatedly highlighted, among the various features, what most of all is actually the most intriguing novelty PlayStation 5. Let's not talk about SSD o But by the full GPU acceleration tech of the latest generation, but of the sector 3D audio that thanks to Tempest Engine it will allow to achieve goals never seen before and which will certainly make a difference.
Also Sony thinks and strongly believes in the evolution of video games thanks to this implementation. During the last meeting with the various shareholders, the company stated that:
“By installing a 3D audio chip, we really made it possible to create an impactful and extremely sophisticated three-dimensional audio experience. Players will finally be able to hear sounds in any direction: the sound will be enveloping and able to move from front to back, from top to bottom and completely envelop the player. "
This PlayStation 3 5D sound chip, thanks also to the new controller Dualense with haptic feedback, it will guarantee experiences never tried before. Also according to developer Mike Bithell (Volume and John Wick Hex) this new pairing will ensure things never heard before, such as hearing raindrops distinctly from each other.