Between the pages of Reddit a user recently posted a post showing that a retailer in their area would already have a Dualense, new next-gen console controller home Sony, PlayStation 5. According to this user, the seller was asking $ 100 for the controller, a whopping $ 30 more than the recommended price for the accessory.
But this is not the only case. The profile Marlon Gaming Nation posted a Tweet showing what appears to be the DualSense packaging, among various cartons, of an order that, according to the author, would have been sent to the Wallmart chain. The launch date of the PlayStation 5 accessories was recently brought forward to October 30th, nearly two weeks ahead of the console's launch. Other Twitter users have already reported receiving an email from Sony which informed them about the availability of accessories, just like the contoller, starting from the end of this month. The accessories include, among the pages of the Target retailer, for example, the Wireless Pulse 3D headset, the multimedia remote control, the charging station for DualSense and the HD video camera dedicated to the Sony home console, all indicated as available from next October 30th.
UK retailer Simply GAmes said Sony had moved the PS5 accessories release date to November 12th, a week before the launch of the console. Finally, Amazon UK and Game also list November 12 as their start date for accessories. In short, whatever the moment, the precise moment, in which we can get our hands on the PlayStation 5 accessories, one thing is certain: the next-gen is now in the heart of its wave, and will overwhelm all fans in the coming days. (or even in the next few hours!).
Before saying goodbye, we remind you that Sony has recently intervened on the voice chat issue of PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, specifically, regarding some features added with the 8.00 firmware for the current generation console. Among the latest details leaked on PlayStation 5, the apparent possibility of completely customizing the interface of the new console.