Less and less is missing from the "0" day of the new generation, the day one long awaited by millions and millions of gamers who are waiting for nothing more than to get their hands on next-gen consoles. Microsoft products e Sony, respectively Xbox Series X / S e PlayStation 5. A few days separate us from the official debut of the new Xbox consoles, while we will have to wait a few more days to finally take over the new Japanese flagship. As you may have known in the course of this day, during the day one of PS5 it will not be possible to buy the console directly in the shops, as it would create very long queues and consequently crowds of people, who we know very well cannot mobilize due to the restrictions. imposed because of the pandemic. In the meantime, however, a nice guy filter recently appeared on Instagram which you can retrieve here, will allow you to magically make a console box appear inside your home.
The box can be rotated, enlarged or reduced in order to better adapt the hardcover of the console on any possible surface. A nice way to pass the wait of these days and make your friends believe that you already have the future PlayStation 5 much desired and requested by millions of users. In the meantime, however, we invite you to read our review of the brand new Xbox Series S released today on our page. Finally, we remind you that the cost of PlayStation 5 will be 499 € while that of PlayStation 5 All-Digital will be of € 399. Xbox Series X will also cost the same as its rival € 499, while Series S will be presented to the public at a cost of € 299.