Another tile for the new owners of PlayStation 5. According to what emerged in the last few hours, the console would suffer from a bug and would not allow users to properly download games, presenting the words "queued for download". At the moment theonly solution to solve this criticality would be that of restore the device to factory settings. The annoying problem, discovered by IGN colleagues, could present itself in two different ways, by putting the file download on hold or immediately reporting an error code. In both cases the user will be asked to go to the "Download" section, where nothing to interact with will be shown.
The criticality does not seem to concern a small number of games, but the entire launch lineup available on PlayStation 5. According to the recent IGN report, the securities involved would be: Godfall, Demon's Souls, Spider-Man: Remastered, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and the app Disney +. At the moment Sony has not expressed itself officially on the subject, instead Activision intervened by recommending a console factory reset (referring to CoD), which it seems to have fixed the download malfunction. We are aware that this is a rather "drastic" solution and that it involves the elimination of all data on the PlayStation 5, but for now it is the only fully functional solution. Waiting to find out more updates on the story, we remind you that the new generation console Sony the next one will officially debut 19st November.