After having shown himself extensively on the occasion of the BlizzCon 2021, during which not only the restyling of the characters of Overwatch 2, but also new game maps (Roma e New York), Blizzard has recently released new information on the critically acclaimed first-person team shooter, stating that it will soon be updates available with a more regular expiration, suggesting that we may know more as early as March or April 2021. We report below the words of the game director of the game, Jeff Kaplan, to IGN's microphones:
When we announced Overwatch 2, we were very explicit with the public. I don't know if everyone remembers this, but we literally said we're getting dark, and we'd be talking about it at the next BlizzCon. I think part of what happened was also the fault of the current health emergency caused by the pandemic, the fact that there was no BlizzCon in November 2020, and things have been postponed until February, but we have been very explicit. Like, "Hey, we won't say anything after this BlizzCon, we just have to focus on the game."
Our strategy after the BlizzConline that just ended is to be more communicative. I don't know if I can officially commit to release monthly updates on Overwatch 2, but we definitely want to be more communicative. Our plan is not to remain silent for a long period of time. In fact, yesterday we were discussing whether there might be some cool stuff to talk about in March or April to keep people up to date and to get them to see what's new. So, our goal is definitely to release more regular updates.
Waiting to find out more details on the new project in progress, we remind you that (as reiterated by the same Jeff Kaplan) Overwatch 2 will not be released this year on the various game platforms, although the development team has promised to be as transparent as possible in the future, with more regular updates so as to keep fans of the highly acclaimed team first-person shooter informed.