Overwatch 2 was officially announced earlier this month during the BlizzCon 2019. From the first information we know that this anticipated sequel will be more focused on PvE and history than the previous chapter. This immediately appears a very courageous choice, a sign that various developers are once again approaching the single player world (see the case Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order). Through PlayStation Blog Blizzard wanted to update fans about the news that we will see in this new title:
Overwatch 2 also gives us the opportunity to tell more stories. The maps are almost twice the size of the previous chapter. They are also based on much more advanced technology that allows us to dynamically manage the climate, lighting, explosions and much more. We like to say that our maps are almost a character unto themselves and will help tell the story of Overwatch 2. Each story mission will offer a cinematic introduction and conclusion. We have collaborated with our colleagues from the Story and Franchise team to create cinematics for the story missions and we believe they will be very interesting in the eyes of our users.