Although many had speculated that the Kyoto house with Nintendo Switch, during the holiday season, would have managed to sell more consoles than the new generation consoles of Sony and Microsoft (also given the limited availability of the latter), the data on paper, at least as regards the British market, are truly surprising . Christopher Dring, head of GamesIndustry, in a recent tweet reported that the Nintendo Switch has managed to reach monstrous numbers in the UK in 2020, managing to sell more than PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X / S, Xbox One combined.
Clearly, the astonishing success of the hybrid console of the Kyoto house in the latter period could depend on several factors, including the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 (which obviously also involved Nintendo) and the scarce availability of next-gen consoles by Sony e Microsoft products. Another element that has certainly benefited the great N is the current stock of the peripheral, which saw the debut this year not only of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which dominated the UK sales charts, but other highly respected titles such as Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Minecraft e Hyrule Warriors: The Age of Calamity. Whatever the factor that determined this amazing result, the fact remains that after 3 years from its release, Nintendo Switch shows no sign of abating.
The UK isn't the only market where the Kyoto house has literally dominated this year. In Canada, Nintendo Switch has been the best-selling console for over two years, while in the rest of the world it managed to break record after record, managing to reach 68,3 million units sold, with a sales increase exceeding 40%. At the moment these are still unofficial estimates, given that the big N will communicate official financial data only at the end of the fiscal year, which will end next year. March 31 2021.
In the UK last year, if you add every PS5 sold to every PS4 sold to every Xbox Series sold to every Xbox One sold… you get pretty much how much Nintendo Switch sold
- Christopher Dring (@Chris_Dring) January 7, 2021