Among all the videogame companies active on the market, the one that seems to have started 2021 with an extra gear is precisely Nintendo, which among the excellent debut of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury and the arrival of highly anticipated titles such as Monster Hunter: Rise e Bravely Default II, the Kyoto house really intends to put an extra gear compared to the past year, perhaps a bit too bland. In confirmation of all this, the well-known group of insiders LeakyPandy on their Twitter profile confirmed that in the next four weeks the big N plans to announce two major new first party titles which will be published on Nintendo Switch before the end of the year.
The collective of journalists therefore mentions the announcement of two important ones AAA titles created by the first-party teams of the Kyoto house, which among other things could even arrive much sooner than one might expect, given that LeakyPandy refers to a time frame that will cover the next four weeks. Many speculate that they may coincide with the announcements promised by The Pokémon Company e Game Freak concurrent with the 25th anniversary of Pokémon, which we remember will be celebrated on February 27th, thus going to exclude highly anticipated titles by fans such as the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild o Bayonetta 3.
In addition, the group of insiders also refers to the announcement of some spin-off titles of important Nintendo franchises that have already been confirmed by the software houses, and which will soon be re-presented in style. Also in this case, many immediately thought of the brand of pocket monsters, assuming that it may be the already known Detective Pikachu 2 and New Pokémon Snap, or perhaps a possible new chapter of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon remastered for Nintendo Switch. Finally LeakyPandy takes his leave confirming that, at least for now, the Kyoto house has no intention of revealing nothing new on the hardware front, thus leaving the question open "Nintendo Switch Pro”Of which so much has been rumored for months.
Significant Nintendo announcements in the next four weeks. From Nintendo / subsidiaries.
-No new hardware
- Some already announced side games in major franchises will be reintroduced
-Reduced number of new first party offerings. Two new retail titles AFAIK
- LeakyPandy (@LeakyPandy) February 15, 2021