First announced on the occasion of the Tokyo Game Show 2020, NieR Reincarnation finally has a launch date: from the next February 18 2021, in Japan, the title can be played on Android and iOS mobile devices. Among the playable characters there will be 2B, 9S e A2, through an unprecedented collaboration that has given life to an interesting crossover. To announce the launch date was the same Square Enix, through the latest live streaming dedicated to the Christmas holidays. The launch date of the European version has unfortunately not yet been announced.
On the occasion of the announcement of the launch date, Square Enix showed a new trailer dedicated to NieR Reincarnation, through the official Twitter profile dedicated to the game, which is called "NieR Re [in] carnation". The tweet, containing the teaser trailer just mentioned, can be enjoyed at the bottom of the news. As pointed out by colleagues at dualshockers.com the crossover event dedicated to the characters of NieR: Automata may have a limited duration and only cover the first few hours (days, weeks?) from the launch of Reincarnation.
NieR: Reincarnation belongs to the category of RPGs and is currently in development at the studios of Applibot for Android and iOS mobile devices. The game is set in the universe of NieR and its sequel, NieR: Automata (here our review), which are in turn spin-offs and direct sequels of the videogame series Drakengard, known in Japan as Drag-On Dragoon, originally released on PlayStation 2 in 2003. At the end of September, Square Enix also unveiled the release date of NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139, a new remastered version of the first title of the series released in 2010 on PlayStation 3 exclusively, which will see the light next April 23 2021 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. We know that this new version will add, among other things, an unreleased character and a recomposed and orchestrated soundtrack (for the occasion there will be completely new tracks). If you are interested, please direct your browsers here for more details.
【『NieR: Automata』 コ ラ ボ 開 催 決定!】
サ ー ビ ス 開始 日 よ り 、
『NieR: Automata』 と の コ ラ ボ 開 催 も 決定!
コ ラ ボ キ ャ ラ ク タ ー と し て 、 「2B」 「9S」 「A2」 が リ ィ ン カ ネ に 登場 い た し ま す。 # リ ィ ン カ ネ #NieR # ニ ー ア # Wit
- NieR Re [in] carnation (@NieR_Rein) December 24, 2020