Missing less and less on arrival in the halls of Monster Hunter, the film based on the franchise of the same name Capcom which, as announced last month, will hit theaters starting next month 3th December. Having as a protagonist Milla Jovovich, the film will try to reproduce on the big screen the settings and monsters that made the series so famous and loved. In the last few hours, in order to keep interest in the film more alive than ever, a new trailer for the Chinese market which, in large part, denies the reluctance regarding the alleged inability of the film to recreate the experience seen in the various chapters for consoles. Previously accused of not being much like games, the film finally receives justice in this sense, as you can see from the video at the opening of the article.
The trailer shows indeed desert settings e colossal monsters, as per the tradition of the series. In addition, there are also other elements that fans of the series will recognize at first sight. First, the massive weapons that in the games can be achieved through the resources obtainable from the monsters we will face. In addition, the Felyne, or large anthropomorphic cats that in the various chapters assist the protagonist in various ways. It is also possible to notice from the dialogues how, like other fantasy productions, there is also a light and often ironic tone in the conversations between the main protagonists.
In addition to the new trailer, it was also announced that Monster Hunter will arrive in Chinese cinemas on December 4th, while American viewers will have to wait until the 30th of the same month to be able to see the film. With less than a month to wait for its arrival in our local cinemas (except for last minute changes), we just have to wait for the arrival of new information on this highly anticipated film.