In the past few hours, the news concerning the exclusivity of the character Marvel Spider-Man on console Sony, within the new video game Marvel's Avengers released on September 4, it had created a sort of media earthquake. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has always been one of the most loved protagonists both on the big and small screen, and in the various episodes for consoles. The possibility therefore of being able to play with the character only on PlayStation, thus going to the detriment of Xbox, it could be a considerable weight that would swing the scales towards Sony in a conspicuous way.
Well, right at this very moment, through a tweet on the official page (proposed at the bottom of the article), Sony PlayStation has communicated the exclusivity of Spider-Man within the title on the Avengers. Being a character in Sony exclusive (both in the cinema and in the videogame field), its presence in the title developed by Crystal Dynamics it was somehow taken for granted but had never been taken into more consideration than necessary. Just the other day, a promptly deleted line had appeared on a retailer's website that read "Play as Spider-Man, exclusive to PS4!" Now the confirmation has finally arrived.
Marvel's Avengers will be released on September 4 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Google Stadia and, subsequently, also for future next-gen consoles: PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. And which console will you buy the game for on day-one? Would you rather play the title with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man or is the whole Avengers team more than enough? Let us know in the comments.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man comes to Marvel's Avengers, exclusively on PlayStation. Crystal Dynamics offers early details on its own, unique take on the post-launch Hero: https://t.co/GA3t6Y40KI pic.twitter.com/TEho59XfIc
- PlayStation (@PlayStation) August 3, 2020