Good news arrives today for all those who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Marvel's Avengers, the game dedicated to the heroes of the Marvel house. In fact, we come today to discover that the title Square Enix dedicated to the Avengers, it will offer a single player campaign, but inside it there will be secondary missions that must be faced in cooperative with other players.
This was revealed by Philippe Therien, the lead designer of the game, who declared during an interview as follows:
We have created a good mix of melee and ranged combat styles, some characters work one way or another. We have both multiplayer and campaign, and in both cases you will see in some situations that the experience is more direct, in others you are left alone and left to yourself to figure out what to do. You will have to play with different characters while you are online. The Avengers all have different abilities and talents, and we want people to have a fully developed team. Otherwise they wouldn't be the Avengers.
Please note that Marvel's Avengers will make its debut in May on Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia.