The beta of Marvel's Avengers is now available for players of PlayStation 4 which pre-ordered the game and appears to be quite extensive: it covers an early part of the game's single-player story, includes many multiplayer missions, and offers the ability to play four different Avengers. Today, however, a hidden mission has been identified: it is essentially one War zone set in the snowy tundra area of Siberia, which can be visited during the first part of the story as Kamala khan and l 'Incredible Hulk. In this last mission, the task is to find a secret SHIELD bunker that has been hidden by the enemy AIM forces, however after completing the mission in question, the tundra will no longer be accessible on the map.
Beyond this, there is one fundamental thing that few know: it is still possible to return to the area, provided you find one case of the SHIELD buried in another mission. Back in the tundra, you'll come across a secret SHIELD vault filled with high-powered equipment and resources - the difference is this vault is huge and requires you to solve a puzzle to open it while defending your location from enemies. The tundra area is also one of the largest in Marvel's Avengers, therefore, according to Crystal Dynamics, exploring it alone is quite fun: below we show you a brief explanation on how to unlock this much discussed secret mission.
The location of the vault is in a hidden place in the mission Stark reality, which will be found in the Pacific Northwest region. The SHIELD speaker you are looking for is buried underground and it will be possible to find it using the same beep locator that we have already used in the mission in Siberia. Now, that's enough head left with respect to the marker of the indicated position: in the event that we cross a wall, it will be necessary to keep going to the left, moving further and further away from the target. Once you reach a precipice, the locator will start emitting particular sounds: it is essential to follow it until you reach the indicated destination. After that, as you enter the secret zone, it will be easy to find one treasure chest, which contains the coordinates of this fateful vault.
At this point, returning to the War Table, a new mission will appear inside the tundra zone: once you are catapulted back to Siberia, you will need to use the signal locator again to find the vault. Before you go there, however, there will be many question marks scattered around the map, each with crates full of items and some will require the DNA Key (item that you can get by completing the mission Tame a Titan. vault: there are 5 consoles to conquer, each of them represented by a number. To open the security doors, you will be given a code: you will need to activate the related consoles in the correct order, each within 45 seconds of each other. To open the large circular door you will need 3 codes, after which there is nothing left to do but enjoy the loot! Before you get there, however, you will have to resist waves of enemies and, every now and then, a hacker ready to block the codes.