And here we are to open E3 much earlier than usual, with this event done by Konami 4 days earlier! So here we are at the 3 Konami Pre-E2013 Conference!
The conference, lasting only half an hour, mainly dealt with 3 titles: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Pro Evolution Soccer 2014.
It opened with Konami celebrating its 40th birthday. Then they showed Dance Dance Revolution Classroom Edition, a school program to fight the already rising childhood obesity.
He then briefly talked about the new Slots Machines and the new MLB Live Challenges, which will combine team management and fantasy mechanics.
We then start with Pro Evolution Soccer 2014, where Kei Masuda explained the novelties of the title, or the Fox engine, the influence of the moral of the players modified by the supporters, and the new features unveiled. Some will be shown in the future, others can be found here.
Subsequently Hideo Kojima spoke of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, underlining much darker themes such as competition and revenge, announcing the setting date, 1984. Just for the setting year Kojima opted, through the advice of Avi Arad, to choose as a voice actor and also as an actor for the facial expressions someone in their 40s / 50s; nothing less than was chosen Kiefer Sutherland (24, Touch), who said he was "excited for the part". Kojima says that through motion capture the dialogue will be better, thus allowing less words to be used thanks to the great skill of Sutherland.
Finally it was shown Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, which will continue directly (at most with an interlude consisting of Mirror of Fate, title for 3DS) from the first chapter, at the commands of Gabriel, the new Dracula. The title will be much more dark, will be set in this era, while not losing the trademark of Dracula. The new features will be free roaming, free and no longer fixed room, and there will be no uploads. It all ended with a long trailer. Here you can find the preview.
Not bad for a lecture given that it only lasted half an hour. It was clear, concise and direct. If only they were all like that! Below you will find the recorded conference and the live blog.