Unfortunately, whenever some new information related to Kingdom Hearts, we often end up seeing it distorted or enlarged. While it is normal for this to happen when important details emerge about any successful saga, especially when it comes to Kingdom Hearts there is always a lot of confusion in the community. As most people know, the series is already confusing enough, if you put in a misreading of the information, we really risk not getting out of it anymore. Today we are here to talk to you about how much spread by Nomura himself, explain better what is disclosed and, why not, hazard a few small theories that entertain the fans so much.
Let's start with the first really succulent information, things quite obvious but which, obviously, have not been well metabolized: Melody of Memory will contain clues to the future of the series. Speculations want these to be directly related to the past of Kairi, but there are no big confirmations in this sense. The only certain thing is that the initials of the subtitle make up the acronym MoM. This, as you may have already guessed, is directly connected to the other "MoM", that is the Master of Masters. His figure is still unclear, but it is well understood that throughout the series he has always woven the row of a metaphorical web, in which Sora and comrades have become dramatically enmeshed. In the trailer, we could see Kairi lash out at a hooded figure, which in all likelihood was the MoM.
On the other hand, a more enigmatic situation concerns something else; Nomura stated that “we have never done a spin-off because the wait between the main titles is long; actually, it is more correct to say that I wanted to do some spin-offs before starting with the next numbered title ”. Although such a statement is quite perplexing, the director was quite explicit, no spin-offs before the next numbered chapter. This may not have seemed like a novelty to longtime fans, but now that Square Enix has 4 teams working on the Kingdom Hearts project it is good that it has been reiterated. Another statement quite clear but which has been misrepresented is the one related to the fact that Square Enix does not plan to port other games from the Kingdom Hearts series on switch. Tuttavia, according to Nomura it is possible that another of his games will arrive on the Nintendo home console. For another game we seriously believe it can be The World Ends With You 2, after the first chapter is definitely back in vogue thanks to his, albeit fleeting, appearance in Kingdom Hearts III. In fact the characters of this title had already appeared at the beginning of Dream Drop Distance, but only after the third chapter of the kingdom of hearts did they find the approval of a wider audience.
Last but not least, there have been other statements that have increased an immeasurable hype in the hearts of the fans, but even in this case we need to take stock of the situation. The Kingdom Hearts team, - in all likelihood we are referring to Team Osaka -, the studio actively engaged for the numbered chapters, has already begun to think about a new episode. Nomura himself is already thinking about the next job, while another team is working on something new. To feed the rumors behind this "something new", Nomura thought quite naively yet, declaring that in 2022, the year in which the twentieth anniversary of the series will fall, he will do his best to celebrate it in the best possible way. Fans are obviously hoping for a Kingdom Hearts IV, but we're not on the same notice. Although the word "surprise" alone is enough to warm the hearts, this could turn out to be a sort of Final Mix 3.5, or a dedicated event such as those that Square Enix has been holding for several years in its dedicated stores.
If you really hoped that a main chapter could actually arrive, the speech is slightly different, since nothing prevents the possible arrival of a new game like Birth By Sleep and others. Fans have worked and the most popular theories are those of an episode dedicated to Verum Rex, where you will discover the connection with Sora and the place where the members of the organization come from. On our own, we believe that this is an excellent theory, but we are almost certain that for a fourth chapter we will have to wait a little longer. Sure, there are rumors claiming that Kingdom Hearts IV is already in the works since the debug phase of the Re-Mind DLC, and to make strength on this thesis there is the fact that now there is a huge workforce on the saga, so the waiting times between a numbered chapter and the other could actually be reduced. At present, however, we do not know anything about this, we can only wait and, for now, focus on Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.