The events concerning the long-awaited version of Justice League directed by Zack Snyder. The director, forced to abandon the original film halfway through the work due to family problems, has now decided - together with his fans - to create a his own film. For some time now we have been talking about this new version with a disproportionate duration (about 214 minutes). During Comic-Con @ Home, Snyder he stated that no scenes from those will be used in his film Joss Whedon.
Using a scene shot by another director would ruin my version. If that happens, I'll probably screw it up
In addition, the problems caused by the name of the film continue. The director, intent on calling her "Justice League by Zack SnyderDisagrees with the restrictions Legal which today prohibit this name.
Although the film is set to be released in 2021, some previews are already running on Twitter. Hopefully this new version of Justice League can compare with the previous one, or even surpass it - given the negative feedback that the film upon release -.
Zack Snyder's Justice League
Coming to HBOMax in 2021 pic.twitter.com/F2gUmeXVeX
- cleopatra (@dragonnaydra) July 25, 2020
For all the news regarding this, and other upcoming titles, stay tuned. We, as usual, will not fail to keep you updated constantly.