The last chapter of the new trilogy of Star Wars desired by Disney after the acquisition of Lucasfilm has now been released in theaters all over the world to the delight of fans who were waiting for this epic conclusion that began in 2015 with the first chapter called Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Well, the new film directed again by J. J. Abrams, entitled Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, sparked really mixed reactions from fans around the world. Nothing new would be said, it is logical that someone might like it and someone else doesn't, but when you touch sacred works like that of Star Wars, judgments and extreme reactions are always exalted. In this case, many longtime fans of the saga have declared that the conclusion of this trilogy was a complete disaster.
To intervene to calm the situation to a minimum, the director took care of it on the pages of Vanity Fair responding to all those who have raised doubts about some choices within the film:
“Everyone is right. Those who love the saga more than anything else are also right. Just several hours ago in another country they asked me how I can get everyone to agree. I replied: how do I pray? I don't mean that one doesn't have to try anyway, but how do you do it? Especially with Star Wars. We live in a time when everything seems to slip into offense by default. Either you see things from my point of view or you are my enemy. The bad thing is that all of this has become normal as well as not being able to put nuances within contexts. And it's not just about Star Wars, it's about everything. We knew from the start that any decision we made in design, music or story would be pleasing to some and infuriate others. And they are all right. "
Words that make everyone agree a little but that are not unbalanced anywhere. For all those who have not yet seen the film or would like to read our review here it is here.