In the past few hours, several concept art and details have emerged from the famous successor of Left 4 Dead to the Turtle Rock Studios. Entitled Invaders, players would be tasked with repelling an alien invasion of the UK. The shared video, which you can conveniently find on the cover, collects concept art and other documents relating to the game, telling the story of its creation and its final disappearance. However, we remind you that, as these are mere indiscretions, to take this information with the appropriate precautions, since the video does not explicitly mention any source.
According to Unforgotten Games, Turtle Rock he would start working on Invaders after the release of Evolve in 2015, with plans to debut on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Set in a "not too distant future", the game featured "ordinary people" forced into battle; fishermen, journalists, skinheads, college professors and the homeless. Some of the character designs found in Sixto's concept art divide the playable characters into different classes such as Hero, Tech, Medic and Sidekick, with skills tied to each, leveraging their unique skills, weapons and abilities in combat and exploration. .
In addition to a series of smaller aliens with special abilities to test the courage of the players, the game would also feature large-scale battles, with alien "megaboss". Players were tasked with cooperating to find weak spots and take down the gigantic creatures. The final boss of the game was also apparently a massive alien "mothership" lurking, believed to be "part of the scenario". This during the narration of the game would not only have grown, in terms of size, but would also have changed its design, before the final confrontation. Furthermore, according to what emerged from a curriculum LinkedIn found by Unforgotten Games, the game could have included "procedural destruction systems and on-screen weather shading."
Despite the interesting premise, Invaders clearly never saw the light, and now the boys of Turtle Rock Studios they are working on a more "traditional" successor to Left 4 Dead, titled Back 4 Blood, and that in July the development team released the first artwork.