Making money with Fortnite is possible: more than forty million people play Fortnite every day: a real worldwide phenomenon considered the most played video game ever in 2020, but in addition to the game, there are those who manage to earn by playing, as is possible?
Earn money playing video games: to someone it will seem strange, but today it is the reality. Thousands of kids earn money every day by sharing their game sessions online, but how is this possible?
Is it really that easy to make money online? And above all, is earning money really the "dream job"?
If you are interested in this topic, make yourself comfortable and read this article, you will discover the whole truth about this world.
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How to make money with Fortnite
A second method consists instead in the earn by participating in Fortnite tournaments: Tournaments are organized all over the world every day with an initial registration fee and the winner will earn the prize pool of the tournament.
It is a risky way of earning, however, for those who want to earn with Fortnite it is in fact important to know that there are many people who spend several hours on Fortnite and who above all have spent a lot of money (or rather V-Bucks, the Fortnite virtual currency that can be purchased within the game) to buy upgrades, expansions and weapons.
The third way to make money with Fortnite is to "sell online coaching" in which you can give advice to those who want to improve in this game and become stronger, or sell the weapons you have and your skills.
Griffin Spikoski Fortnite
One of the cases that has caught the attention of the press is certainly the case of a 14-year-old boy named Griffin Spikoski who managed to make $200.000 in fortnite in just one year, so much so that parents even have:
- Got a financial advisor for the son
- Decided to withdraw his son from school to make him follow an online school
- Support this activity
And precisely on this point I would like to make you reflect: its success was due to a combination of factors, namely:
I talk about all this also in the video that you can see below:
Is making money playing easy?
Many think that earning money by playing is simple: in reality, it requires a lot of available time first of all.
I pro player, or professional players, who manage to earn by playing Fortnite, "train" and play up to eight/nine hours a day with peaks of 18/20 hours on weekends when they do live sessions.
This means that the game, seen as a pastime, becomes in fact a real job that takes up most of the day of the professional player who, on the one hand, can earn even very considerable figures, but on the other, however, will spend most of his day playing to video games.
Good job and good income with Fortnite,