Advertising campaigns, sponsors, sharing news, images, marketing, links, Amazon affiliation: how to earn using WhatsApp.
How to increase contacts on WhatsApp
Using WhatsApp to make money may be possible and makes sense, however, only to integrate relationships that you have already established, perhaps having already developed a community in other online and offline channels. If you add contacts you don't know directly and send random messages via WhatsApp, you only risk being blocked and have the effect of disturbing people, rather than involving them.
It is important, in any case, not to seem excessively insistent or binding, so make it clear to contacts that they can leave your list at any time, simply by deleting your number from the address book.
How to make money on whatsapp through affiliate marketing
If you are the owner of a blog or site, as long as it is professionally built, you can earn considerable sums online through WhatsApp, by joining a affiliate program. The affiliate program is aimed at sponsoring, through marketing campaigns, the products of a certain brand or a specific company, which will recognize you a percentage of each sale completed through the site.
Here's what you need to do:
- sign up for an affiliate program;
- copy the link to the product;
- share it, with a description, with your WhatsApp contacts.
If one of your contacts clicks on the link, they are directed to the site that sells the product.
You will receive a percentage on the products sold and the company will pay you commissions (usually on a monthly basis, or once a certain threshold is reached).
WhatsApp is a very useful medium for affiliate campaigns, given that the messages sent are more effective than text messages and e-mails, therefore earning in this way is not difficult, even if the income is not rich. There are several e-commerce sites that offer programs of this type: the most important is certainly that of Amazon, because it recognizes commissions that are often higher than competitors, even up to 10%; in addition, it allows you to earn for any purchase made after clicking on the link, even if the linked product is not purchased.
How to make money on WhatsApp through PPD sites
Another way to earn small amounts on WhatsApp is the so-called PPD, or pay per download. This service is offered by so-called PPD networks. Once registered with one of these networks, you must upload a certain number of files to the site, such as videos, photos or songs, e share download links with all your WhatsApp contacts. Every time one of these files is downloaded, you will be credited with your commission, equal to a few cents. Payment is made when you reach a certain download threshold, measured in Kb. There are various PPD networks to subscribe to, but not all of them are reliable. Among the best: Filelce.net, Uploadocean.com, Upload.org
How to make money on WhatsApp by sharing news
You can also cash out small amounts through WhatsApp sharing articles and news on special sites. One of these is Viravo, a web platform that allows companies to create social advertising campaigns (a type of interactive advertising based on advertisements, conveyed exclusively within social networks and communities) and which pays in euros for sharing the links of articles. This site evaluates the influencer value of your profile and based on this selects content of interest and pays the fee for each share, which can range from a few cents to a few euros. You are paid once you reach 50 euros in compensation.
Another site that allows you to share articles on social networks and earn based on the number of unique visits received is Share News. This site pays at the threshold of 30 euros.
How to make money on WhatsApp by sharing images
You can earn using WhatsApp too sharing photos, after uploading them to specialized archiving sites, such as PixSense, Image Twist or ImgRock. These sites recognize up to seven dollars for every thousand unique visits, but the amount varies according to the country of origin: for Italian traffic, the maximum payment threshold is normally two dollars.
To use these sites it is sufficient for you to register and configure the payment method; Once you've signed up, you can start uploading and sharing images right away.
How to make money with WhatsApp thanks to url shortening sites
Another way to put aside some money using WhatsApp is to use url shortening sites (literally, "link shortening"): these sites use shortened links to allow users to earn. In practice, you can earn from the clicks received on the shortened links shared on WhatsApp. The visitor who clicks on these links is first redirected to an advertising banner and, after clicking on the button, is then directed to the real link entered by the user registered for the service. Some of these sites, such as Shorte.st, pay up to eight dollars per thousand visits.
How to make money through WhatsApp marketing
Finally, remember that you can use WhatsApp for promote your business, exploiting the marketing on a large scale. To have an effective profile, you must use a name with a maximum of 25 characters, visible to contacts, and for the photo, upload a meaningful image, with optimal dimensions of 640 × 640 pixels. Even the status has its relevance, even though it lasts only 24 hours: you can use the 139 characters available as a slogan, to explain the value that the user will get by registering for your list.
In any case, avoid using the channel only to promote products or services, but involve customers in conversations that revolve around the reference universe of the promoted brand, product or service. You can also make your life easier by connecting your WhatsApp account to your PC via a QR code: using your computer you can in fact create messages and manage lists more easily than on your mobile phone.