After a long time, you have finally managed to take some time to tidy up your room and have made so many garments don't use anymore: there are the trousers that are now too tight for you, the unsightly sweater given to you by your aunt, the t-shirt you didn't know you had, etc. All of these clothes are kept in though very good condition, so why not try to sell them? After all, by now almost everyone is dedicated to online buying and selling of clothes: it's comfortable, practical and allows you to make some money while also gaining space at home; those who buy, on the other hand, may find the dress they need by spending very little.
It is no coincidence that, in recent years, the sites where put up for sale one's clothes have multiplied visibly: on the one hand this has increased the possibilities of getting rid of clothes that are no longer used, on the other it makes it difficult for those who want to sell to understand which platform is the most suitable. And it doesn't just apply to clothes: there are lots of apps that allow you to satisfactorily get rid of your own used of any nature.

What is Wallapop?
Let's start from the beginning: what is it Wallapop? It is a free platform that seeks to promote sustainable consumption by giving objects a second life: we opened our overview with the example of clothes because it is the most popular area, but in reality on this platform you can find practically anything that is used but in good conditions: "If you don't use it, sell it" is the simple but explanatory slogan of the company born in 2014 in Spain.
Used by millions of users also due to its policy on transaction security, the platform also features aWhatsapp available for both Android smartphones and tablets and for iOS/iPadOS systems; in addition, it allows you to choose whether to carry out the transaction and close the deal in person (for those who prefer to operate vis-à-vis) or through the usual shipment traceable online.
How Wallapop works
Buy on Wallapop does not present the need for further insights: just navigate through the search bar to find what you are looking for and contact the seller to conclude the negotiation. If, on the other hand, you are interested in selling a garment, here are the instructions you must follow.

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How to see something on Wallapop
At this point you have to press on Continue and choose whether to enable it shipment or conclude your exchanges only in person. That's it: your ad will be reviewed by Wallapop and its staff and, if approved, made available to all users of the platform.
Wallapop and money transfer
We just have to learn more about how to pay (and get paid) on Wallapop: this small engraved is obviously only valid if you opt to complete the online transaction and not by meeting your buyer/seller in person. If the option Wallapop Shipping is enabled, it will be possible to carry out a transaction thanks to which the money will end up directly in the seller's Wallapop wallet, who will collect the total gain of your sale. We remind you that, in this case, shipping is a buyer's charge, while whoever receives the money can transfer it from the balance of the app/site to their bank account: this operation also does not involve any commission.