Making money fast in Red Dead Redemption 2 and getting cash isn't easy as an outlaw, but you can make money in a variety of ways regardless, usually by helping strangers, killing bandits, or vice versa if you're feeling a little more 'black hat'. There are plenty of ways to make money beyond that, like hunting and selling meat at butcher shops, but many of these only provide trickle income, suitable for reloading ammo and little else.
2. Hunting animals (and people)
3. Help strangers where possible
4. Complete story missions and side missions
5. Sell carriages and trinkets at the fences
9. Complete the Jack Hall gang scavenger hunt
Watch our video guide below for how to make money fast:
1. Sell horses
Horses are a good source of business in Red Dead Redemption 2, provided you know how to make the most of the trade. Any horse you buy in the game can be taken to a stable to sell, stow, or upgrade, but the buyer's price will vary depending on the type of horse you're trying to whip. If your steed was obtained illegally, for example, then groom an offer starting at $3 or less, while standard breeds barely cost much more, even with the right documentation.
However, if you can find a fast racehorse or a hardy county, the potential payoff could be huge, so the extra effort of tracking them down, breaking them down, and bringing them back to town is definitely worth it. Wild horses can be found throughout the open world, but catching them requires a fair degree of patience and skill, so don't run after every bronco you see.
2. Hunting animals (and people)
It's no secret that butchers, trappers, and shop assistants will pay well for animal pelts and meat in Red Dead Redemption 2, but there's a certain knack to making sure each loot brings the most bang for its buck. First, the hides are harvested in different qualities depending on how the animal was killed. Take a headshot on a rabbit with a small varmint rifle, for example, and there's a good chance the hide is in pristine condition.
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3. Help strangers where possible
Being kind to strangers in Red Dead Redemption 2's random encounters often brings long-term dividends as well, as many will repay you with favors and rewards later in the game. Whenever you're tempted to rob a store or kill a rando for money, then maybe think again.
4. Complete story missions and side missions
It may seem obvious, but there's no denying that Red Dead Redemption 2's series of campaigns and side quests are a simple and straightforward way to earn money quickly and effectively right from the start. While not all missions guarantee big bucks, or even at all, some do represent the biggest rewards available in the game thus far.
This is especially true when you decide to rob a farm or go hunting for legendary animals with one of your gang members, as they will split the rewards with you or better yet, make you enjoy the whole thing. Of course, as the campaign grows in size and scope, that pot of cash will grow as well, so anyone who focuses solely on finishing the story before doing anything else won't be short of cash.
5. Sell carriages and trinkets at the fences
The Fence is a specific type of vendor found throughout the west in Red Dead Redemption 2, one that mostly deals in animal goods and hunting tools. The first one you'll encounter is at Emerald Station, east of Valentine, and will pay good money for any trinkets you'll come across in the game, such as pocket watches, gold bars, or consumables. You can also take stolen carriages back to his stable for less legitimate trade, which will net you a sizable wad of cash per vehicle, and can be robbed from farms, towns, or just off the street.
6. Learn to gamble
Gambling is just as lucrative in Red Dead Redemption 2 as it is in real life, as your chances of making money depend heavily on a mix of luck and skill. If you happen to play poker or blackjack, then go ahead and find a table in a nearby saloon to start earning quick cash, but there are also less complicated games like dominoes and Five Finger Fillet to compete in, with some for the big bucks. larger ones are worth the time it takes to attend. Of course, as is the nature of gambling, all your winnings can go down the drain when you overstep your position and lose it all in one fell swoop, but, hey, there's always an opportunity to bounce back with a killer hand. in the next round.
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7. Don't go crazy buying guns
This is more of a tip to save money than to do it, but the thing you need to remember about Red Dead Redemption 2 is that the weapons are as authentic to the time period as possible. In other words, they'll never be as powerful as the firearms you'll find in Grand Theft Auto 5, nor as varied, but that's good news for Arthur Morgan's wallet.
While gun shops offer a good choice for weapon purchase and customization, it's not worth spending huge amounts of money on them upfront, especially when several story campaigns will provide you with some of the best guns in the game for free. Even without those easy pickups, every enemy you fight will drop weapons that can be equipped, oiled and upgraded to get you a decent gun for a lot cheaper than if you had to buy it in a store.
8. Rob the bandit camps
If you see smoke rising into the sky during your travels across the frontier in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's likely coming from the hearth of a bandit camp. These randomly placed hideouts are a good source of loot and money, but first you'll have to deal with the outlaws standing guard. Your best bet is to catch them by surprise and start shooting before they get a chance to respond. With the bandits dead, you are free to enter and collect whatever you can find from their corpses, crates and horse satchels. When added together, the loot can be quite lucrative, so don't miss out on these opportunities.
9. Complete the Jack Hall gang scavenger hunt
Do you want to earn 1000 dollars fast? Talk to the stranger named Maximo west of Flatneck Station and you can purchase a treasure map from him for $10. Thus begins the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map Red Dead Redemption 2 (opens in a new tab) hunt, a three-step process that leads you to discover two gold bars that can be sold for $500 each at the Emerald Station compound.
It's an easy path to making money, especially when you read our Jack Hall Treasure Hunt guide to complete all the steps without having to crack the (surprisingly difficult) code yourself. It's also a nice way to explore the map, revealing more of its contents as you travel to every corner of the world during the treasure hunt itself. Bring a horse and make sure you've packed plenty of supplies for the trip.
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