You are looking for an intelligent way to take advantage of the "down times" that occasionally occur during your days. In this regard, you have heard of smartphone games that allow you to earn small amounts of money simply by using them and you are very curious about it; however you are afraid of running into some scam or in any case of not knowing how to take advantage of everything, so you would like my help. That's the way it is, right? Then don't worry: you are in the right place, at the right time!
In the next paragraphs of this guide, in fact, I will be able to tell you about some app to earn by playing available for Android and iOS/iPadOS, which allow you to earn real money and/or vouchers while having fun with games and hobbies of various kinds: quizzes, puzzles, games of skill, etc. Certainly you can't get rich using them, but you can round up your salary a little without having to commit yourself and, indeed, wasting time during the most boring waits.
If you want to know more, make yourself comfortable, identify the apps that "inspire you the most" among those I am about to report to you and test them by following the instructions below. I wish you a good read and, above all, a lot of fun!
Preliminary information

First we consider some of the best app to earn by playing, I want to give you some important information about how they work.
First of all, I want to reiterate what I have already said in the introduction of the article: applications of this type do not allow you to earn who knows what figures. You can consider them as a not too demanding way to raise a few euros to use to indulge in small whims or to finance some personal expenses (e.g. telephone top-up, purchase of a paid app, a small online purchase, etc.).
As for payments, these can be disbursed in the form of real money (usually via PayPal) or with vouchers spendable on Amazon or other online stores.
But what do these apps gain by "giving" money to users? Simple: the more people use them, the higher the earnings they get from advertising, so a small part of these earnings is passed on to users. This is also why the figures that can be earned are small.
In light of what has just been said, I want to warn you against apps (or even online services) that promise stratospheric earnings: most of the time they are scams and scams, so stay away from them. Instead, you can trust apps that promise a few euros derived from your activities (and from the advertisements they will show you), such as the ones you find listed below.
Big Time (Android/iOS/iPadOS)

The first app I recommend you try is Big Time, which allows you to play many games and earn tickets through them by which to participate in periodic draws that take place automatically and which allow you to obtain small cash rewards (which are part of the advertising revenue obtained by the app developers). It is available for Android and iOS/iPadOS.
At this point, select one of the games among those available (as you level up, more will be unlocked) and follow the instructions given to you on the screen, in order to complete the game trying to accumulate a good number of Tickets: those you accumulate are indicated in the upper left of the main screen of the app. Once you've earned your tickets, you'll simply have to wait for the drawing to take place and hope for some prizes. To see when the next draw will take place, just pay attention to what is indicated at the top right, next to the wording Countdown for extraction:.
Alternatively, you can convert tickets earned from games into dollars, without using them to enter the daily draw. How you do it? Press on the symbol of wallets (bottom right), press the symbol of dollar located at the bottom left of the box that has opened and carry out the conversion by following the instructions you see on the screen.
Keep in mind that you must have accumulated at least 10.000 tickets to get the corresponding conversion, which is specifically of dollars 0,10. To request payment, just press the button PayPal located at the bottom right and provide the app with the information to pay you via PayPal.
Live Quiz (Android/iOS/iPadOS)

One of the best app to make money playing games on iOS, iPadOS e Android è live quiz. It is an app developed by the Italian software house Bending Spoons, through which it is possible to answer daily quizzes and earn prizes in the form of Amazon vouchers, which are divided among the players who correctly answer all the quiz questions.
After installing and launching Live Quiz on your Android or iOS/iPadOS device, tick the boxes to confirm that you are of age, that you have read/accepted the terms and conditions of the service and the contest rules, then tap on the button Continue, to continue.
Then, click on the button Continue four consecutive times and presses the buttons Let's begin e Accept. Then press on the symbol of wheel, located on the app's home screen, select the item Pickup data in the opened menu and provide your address Email and yours fiscal Code in the appropriate text fields: this information is necessary to receive any prizes won.
At this point, all you have to do is wait for the countdown on the Live Quiz main screen to end: at the indicated time, in fact, you will be able to access the quiz of the day and try to win the prize indicated on the orange plate located on the main screen of the app.
I remind you that you only have 10 seconds time to answer the questions, choosing from the three answer options among those proposed. Also, to achieve victory, you need to answer all of these correctly. If you get one or more wrong answers, you can continue the quiz and try to accumulate useful points for participation in winning the weekly prize.