When you are not yet of age, ask yourself if they exist jobs for minors it's normal, especially when you want to raise some money to cultivate your passions, to travel, or for your future.
But in our country you can work at 16? How earning money at 13? How make money at 15?
In Italy, work for underage students exists but is regulated by a specific law which prevents the exploitation of child labour, and which specifies which chores are for children who can allow them to earn respecting their age and youth.
So before seeing which work for minors can adapt to your needs, I want to give you all the information on the laws in force in Italy.
Work for minors: what does the law say?
The Italian law on the subject of work for minors provides for special protection, so much so that the articles aimed at regulating this are included in the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
These determine at what age you can work as well what are the working conditions to which those under the age of 18 can submit. For the protection of child labor, in addition to the articles of the Italian constitution, there are also the amendments of the European Union directive 94/33.
The first thing defined by Italian and European law is the age requirement for young people wishing to work. In fact, young people can start working only when they have at least 15 years. Instead, those under this age should not do any work, unless the employment contract falls into specific categories.
So how to earn money at 14 if you can't work?
If you are under 15, the only underage jobs you can do are a sporting, artistic, cultural and advertising nature. In these cases, if you are under 15, the employment contract for minors requires the signature of the parents and also the authorization of the Provincial Labor Directorate.
Minors who are between 15 and 18 years of age, they can work but only under certain conditions determined by the Legislative Decree 262/2000, this specifies that:
Finally, those under the age of 18 can carry out their work tasks mainly during daily hours, in fact it is forbidden for minors to work between 23pm and 7am o between 22pm and 6am.
These timetables are valid only for those who do not carry out work for minors in the artistic, cultural or sports fields. In fact, in these three areas there are no time or age restrictions, the important thing is that under the age of 14 at night, there is always a parent or legal guardian to supervise the minor.
Jobs for minors: 14 ideas to start working as a young person
When you start looking for your independence it's normal to start asking questions like: At what age can you work? How to earn money at 15? How to make money at 16?
If you are wondering how to make money at 16, at 15 or before 18, then you will certainly be interested in finding out what online or offline jobs for minors you can take to obtain a personal income.
Here is the complete list!
1. Baby sitter
Maybe one of the jobs for minors most known and undertaken by young people who are looking for a job when they do not go to school.

However, this work could also be done full-time by children who no longer attend school and therefore need a job. Naturally, to be able to handle the babysitting job it is necessary to have a good predisposition to being with children, playing and taking care of them.
To babysit it is possible to ask for work directly from families who may need it, to place flyers in schools and kindergartens, or it is possible to work as a babysitter even in hotels or tourist villages.
2. Open and manage a blog
An underage job you are developing in recent times is blogging. Opening and managing a blog does not have excessive costs and above all requires initiative, study and of course a passion for writing and sharing.
Opening a blog does not allow immediate earnings and you have to work and study a lot of time to be able to obtain a really profitable result. In any case, if you love to write, you have a lot of time available and you like studying, you can choose to try to earn by opening a blog on the subject that interests you most.
To learn more:
- Here's how to become a successful blogger
3. Creative underage jobs: making candles and crafts
All the boys they love making candles, work the wood, sew, or realize woolen or crocheted clothes, they can use this passion to earn some money.
Do these handicraft works it provides for costs that are not excessive, because it is enough to buy what is necessary for the realization of the objects that you then want to sell.
4. Dog sitting
In addition to being able to babysit, another of the jobs for minors in great demand is the dog sitting.

This activity involves taking care of other people's dogs, you have to take the dog for a walk, play with him, give him a bath and take care of his needs.
Dog sitting is a highly demanded job especially during the summer, when many dog owners go on vacation and are looking for someone who can take care of them.
In addition to the summer period, dog sitting is required all year round by those who work, and cannot take care of their pet during specific times of the day.
5. After school service
If you are an educated boy, you know languages well, you are good at maths or with children you can choose to offer an after school service. After school service, involves helping elementary or middle school children with their homework.
If, on the other hand, you know languages well, you could teach young children to study English or French.
make money with this business instead it is necessary to reach a large number of followers and then propose to companies or businesses to obtain compensation for naming them in stories or photos, or you have to wait for them to contact you to promote a product and thus obtain monetary compensation as well as a free product to test and use.
To learn more:
7. Jobs for underage aspiring photographers
Do you love taking pictures and using photoshop? Do you think that one day you could become a photographer yourself?

You may choose to follow the photographer in weddings and events, or help him develop the photos and edit them in the studio.
Finally, you have the opportunity to propose yourself as a photographer for 18-year-old birthdays, baptisms, communions and why not even for low-budget weddings.
If you want to do the photographer for events you have to create a portfolio with the photographs and propose them to family and friends, to get "hired" as a non-professional photographer for upcoming events.
8. Social media activity
Then you can look for an opportunity among companies and shops in your area and propose yourself to manage their social networks, creating a business promotion strategy, of daily posts and getting paid for your work.
You could also look for online job opportunities, for example by working alongside a social media manager in the its social network management activities.
To learn more:
- Here's How To Become A Social Media Manager
9. Web designer
Another of the underage jobs is the web designer.
To carry out this work you need to know computer language well, know how to use Photoshop and the applications necessary for build a good website.
If you have this knowledge and skills and maybe you've already created some websites, you can earn by proposing yourself as web designer for shops and companies where you live that don't have a website yet.
Or you can look for online job opportunities on platforms that allow professionals and potential customers to meet.
To learn more:
- How to Become a Web Designer
10. Summer jobs for minors
You are looking for summer crafts for kids?
If you live in a tourist destination, despite the restrictions given by the timetables set for minors, it is possible to find work in a bar, in a restaurant, in a beach, in a village by offering you for the morning and afternoon shifts. In fact, children under 18 are allowed work until 23pm at the latest and start rounds to the max at 6 in the morning.
11. Help beautician or hairdresser
If you have a passion for aesthetics and perhaps you are attending a professional school to become a hairdresser or beautician, then you can choose to ask the professionals who are in your area if they need a helper to better manage their clientele.
Furthermore, this job could also help you improve your skills and better understand how this profession works learning the tricks of the trade.
12. Writer
Here is one of the truly evergreen works for minors, after all, minor writers and writers are certainly nothing new!
If you have a passion for writing If you've always dreamed of writing a novel then it's time to get to work.
Once finished, you can choose to publish directly online via e-book using services such as those offered by Amazon.
Or if you want you can try the traditional way you can try to publish in paper proposing the book to a publisher.
13. Animator in the villages and hotels
If you love children and there are hotels and villages in your area you can offer yourself as an entertainer to entertain the little ones, in the swimming pool or in their baby parking. To be a tourist entertainer for children you don't need many skills just a big responsibility and imagination.
14. Jobs for underage aspiring journalists: Writing for blogs and online magazines
If you love to write and have some familiarity with the web and knowledge in the sector, you can choose to propose you with test items a blog e magazine online.
To propose yourself as an article writer you can search among the online offers, or you could register a social magazine come Blasting news that allow you to write articles and earn based on the views received by readers. to know more click here and discover how to start a successful blog.
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