How are we aware Horizon forbidden west was recently unveiled during the gaming presentation event PlayStation 5, today the first significant details about the game have finally emerged that fans have been waiting for. Some fans had already recognized the game region, but today we finally have new confirmations: the adventure of Aloy will be set between Utah and the Pacific Ocean with San Francisco and Yosemite Valley confirmed as places to explore.
As it was also known from the footage, the famous Golden Gate Bridge fell into the ocean, but some of the most iconic structures were inserted in order to be noticed by the players.
The director Mathijs De Jonge shared some details on the improvements implemented in this second chapter. Here are his words:
With the added power of the PS5 we can make the world even more detailed, more vibrant, more immersive.
In addition, he also revealed that San Francisco was devastated by a large earthquake, which began at the exact moment when the Earth as we know it finally entered chaos. Our planet is now teeming with new wildlife, both living and mechanical. From the video we were able to admire some of these new creatures, and in line with the first chapter also in this new adventure you can find and dismantle the weak points of the various machines.
Several mechanical beasts have already been revealed: the Shellsnapper, or that sort of giant tortoise, is found in coastal and marshy regions, Snapjaws are crocodiles and are found in the now submerged Ferry Building, and Sunwings that resemble pterodactyls can be seen in the tropical zone of California.
Aloy will also face the fury of nature in the form of storms. These cause a lot of damage and changes to the game world, but their actual weight in the experience has not yet been revealed. These storms also produce red sparks of electrical energy, which cause what is called "the red ruin". This disease infects the land and weakens wildlife, destroys crops, and most of life dies.
This is the information we have now on the title, but we hope that Guerrilla Games will release new information on Horizon Forbidden West soon. For more details on the game, we refer you to our special.