Although nothing is known about the new one yet Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, in the past few hours Dave Bautista, interpreter in the film of Marvel Studios di Drax, wanted to give a "suggestion" to the director of the film, James Gunn, thanks also to the suggestion of a user on Twitter, in order to "preserve" the disgusting fate that every time it is up to the tormented and funny Guardian. Here is the fun question and answer with Bautista:
[User] Important question for James Gunn: To keep the tradition, will Drax be covered in yellow liquid slime in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?
I want to guess with a huge YES!
As Marvel fans will remember, Drax gets covered with a yellow goo in both the Guardians of the Galaxy (by Ronan) and the sequel (once he got swallowed by a giant monster), so Dave Bautista himself expects a similar end in the third chapter of the irreverent saga of the well-known Californian film studio. At the moment, we don't know when the debut of Guardiani della galassia Vol.3 in cinemas, given that the health emergency caused by the coronavirus has "forced" Marvel Studios to suspend the filming of many productions and postpone all future releases.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess a big fat YES!…. ? https://t.co/ZNXPH98QeT
- The Artist Formerly Known as Super Duper Dave (@DaveBautista) May 24, 2020