While the loading times of Grand Theft Auto V require players to wait a few moments, the same certainly could not be said for those of GTA Online. Or, at least, so it was until today. In fact, a modder has discovered a way to reduce loading times by 70% for online gaming, and it appears that Rockstar Games has noticed: fortunately, this time the company has not decided to close the mod in question, as often happens in these situations. Instead, Rockstar decided to reward the modder, and to therefore make his fix official starting from the next updates. These are the words of the software house:
After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that user t0st has, in fact, revealed an aspect of the game code related to the loading times for the PC version of GTA Online that could definitely be improved. As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in an upcoming title update.
The author of the fix is the user Github tostercx, which in early March had talked about a reduction in the loading times of GTA Online by up to 70%, using its system. He also had publicly released some files, specifying that they were not supported by Rockstar and were only meant to prove that what he claimed was true. In more basic terms, t0st reported that there is a CPU "bottleneck" that slows down GTA Online when uploads begin, and for this very reason the game takes a very long time to read redundant information from a JSON file which, according to the user, would not have many reasons to exist. Its fix should therefore reduce loading times significantly, at least for the PC version. Rockstar did not clarify when the fix will be available, nor has it confirmed whether the actual reduction in loading times will be 70%. However, the software house wanted to thank tostercx for the discovery, rewarding him, in the words of the modder, with ten thousand dollars.