We are now running out, the new God of War is finally about to come out. The adventure that will see Kratos and Atreus as protagonists is preparing to arrive exclusively PlayStation 4 and, to pass the wait, we of the editorial team will present you the hands-on of the game of the press event in the last few weeks. The past history of the multimedia work is full of violence and gory facts, and for this reason we considered it appropriate to take a journey into the past. In this special we are going to tell you which are the most spectacular boss fights within the saga. Get comfortable and enjoy the ranking.
The Colossus of Rhodes - God of War II
The second chapter of God of War is universally recognized as the highest peak of the past trilogy. The first boss fight, or the one against the Colossus of Rhodes, is certainly one of the most engaging in the game. At the time of the PlayStation 2 facing such mammoth enemies was really a nice glance, if we then analyze the context in which this clash takes place we can not help but be amazed.
Ares - God of War
The final fight against Ares was one of the most desired by fans, and the expectations were certainly paid off. Regardless of the battle itself, the defeat of the God of War resulted in a role change with Kratos and, at least in appearance, the end of the latter's sufferings. In conflict he had put the protagonist in front of his demons of the past, thus increasing the pathos of this memorable fight.
The Centimane - God of War Ascension
The first real boss fight of God of War Ascension it couldn't be less thrilling than the others. Although the spin-off dedicated to Kratos did not break the hearts of fans, the general work remained more than valid and fun, in perfect style of the saga. In addition to a gigantic boss, the clash offered interesting changes of perspective and continuous twists.
Hercules - God of War III
The battle against Hercules is certainly very symbolic within the game: not only does it represent two "brothers" who clash, but it also means the handover, also demonstrated by obtaining Hercules' gloves at the end of the fight, between the old champion of Olympus and the new one, though Kratos has no intention of obeying the power of Zeus.
Zeus - God of War III
We have finally reached the battle that everyone has been waiting for, the one against Zeus. The father-son clash takes place in different locations: you go from the top of Mount Olympus, to the room of Zeus, up to inside Gaia and so on. The fight will be long and without holds barred.
Poseidon - God of War III
Yet another opening battle in the saga also proves to live up to expectations. The death of the God of the seas passes through the protection of Gaia. Kratos has the arduous task of protecting the advance of the titans, a perfect ploy to coincide with the murder of some gods taken at random. Unfortunately for him, Poseidon is the first to put a spoke in the wheel of the Ghost of Sparta. Bad choice and bad timing, congratulations for your commitment though.
The Sisters of Destiny - God of War II
This boss fight is also linked to past events: in this case the Fates try to change the past, destroying the sword with which Kratos killed Ares. Unfortunately for them the Phantom of Sparta thinks otherwise, and the numerical advantage remains only a relative fact when compared to the fury of the protagonist.
Hades - God of War III
The battle with the God of death could not be exempt from this ranking. Ade was certainly a tough nut to crack, but he too had to collapse under the blows of Kratos. Killing a god is certainly a great satisfaction, doing it after cutting it piece by piece is an indescribable emotion.
Hydra - God of War
We conclude this special ranking with the first real fight within the saga. The battle with Hydra immediately made fans realize that God of War wasn't like any other game on the market. The violence of the confrontation and the scene after its conclusion was a clear sign that Kratos is not to be messed around with.
We have reached the end of this special, if you have other boss fights in mind that have not been included in the article, please let us know with a comment. We at the editorial staff remind you that the new God of War is out on April 22nd, therefore, get ready to face this new journey. Stay connected with us to not miss any news.