epic Games has just entered Wolverine as a hidden boss within the map of Fortnite. Just like Iron Man e Doctor doom before him, players will have to defeat Wolverine to complete one of the next challenges. In this guide we will explain where to find the superhero and get his razor sharp claws.
In Fortnite, Wolverine is found in the Weeping Woods, but there is a small problem: there is no specific area in this area where the character is generated, so its exact location is totally random. Hurry to enter the woods and hope to find it quickly, keep in mind that if another player defeats him before you in your own game, Wolverine will not regenerate.
In the map below you can find the area where Wolverine is hiding circled:
Once found, getting his claws will be a breeze. First you have to eliminate the superhero: The fight may take a while since Wolverine has several hit points, but you should be able to take him down without any problems. Once he lands, he will drop Wolverine's claw ability at his side.
Once taken and obtained, the claws will allow you to make devastating quick attacks, able to defeat other players with just a few hits. In addition, they will give you the innate ability to leap with great speed towards enemies even very far away, a great advantage both in combat and when the circle of the storm shrinks.
The information related to how to get Wolverine claws in Fortnite ends here, we hope we have been useful to you. We also remind you that if you need other advice or guides, we refer you to our dedicated section always updated with the titles of the moment.