A subject as captivating as it is thorny: how much does sex affect video games?
Well guys and guys, here we are: it was time that sooner or later someone slammed the harsh truth in your face! Sex sells, anytime, anywhere, anytime. If we start from this and move a little, you will easily realize how this tool that is the basis of life, can be used to sell practically everything: certainly in video games it has had a huge influence. We are about to go on a sexy and captivating journey to unravel the secrets of this universe!
A long time ago, in a distant, distant "era" ...
We are in the "distant" 1980, video games begin to take hold and the first advertisements "hot”Begin to appear both on television screens and in everyday newspapers. As a demonstration of the fact that the topic of "video game" goes a little 'in the background, here are appearing little women winking or shameless sexual references. Furthermore, the protagonists of the games, even if reproduced only on paper images, are becoming more and more proactive and the next protagonist is a clear example of the 90s.
Lara Croft….
The first real Sex Symbol of the scene is undoubtedly the very prosperous Lara: its curves made of pixeles made even the most shy males turn their heads and fantasize: how many of you remember the ending of Tomb Raider 2 where after seeing the protagonist in all possible clothes (researcher clothes, aviator, diving suit etc) we hoped to see her naked but the shrewd Lara shot us a shotgun before going into the shower! Perhaps the grave hunter was the real emancipation of the woman's body on video games.
Sex Games
Well known culture in Japan is that of the Hentai Games, games where most of the time you play the part of a simpleton, surrounded by beautiful girls, to whom you can reserve the hottest attention. This type of game remains the most shameless one, where however it is known that the aim of the game is to see these girls with nothing on. Less shameless but still alluring is the fate of other titles that we are going to mention in the next paragraph!
Wink with taste
How many of you know the titles I'm about to mention?
- Catherine
- Seven Sins
- Play Boy: The Mansion
These are just some of the titles that make sex one of the main selling and gameplay weapons that can or could be found on the market: in these titles, however, sex is a bit of an underlying lore, where it does not necessarily have to be seen as the base but if there is so well.
Sex and Action
Sex in Action games has always been a running train: already with Devi May Cry and the attractive shapes of Trish we began to see a real tendency to have female co-protagonists increasingly busty, without forgetting the beauty of male physicists who however it did not go unnoticed by the female audience. In these titles the sex is not revealed but it is clear from the jokes or from the movements of the protagonists (does Bayonetta tell you anything?). Kratos himself in the God Of War saga often has sex with Goddesses, but only an end to fan service is left over rather than a deliberately pig-like action.
Author sex
Then there are those mature titles, such as Heavy Rain that make sex a true cinematic art and that if it happens it will not necessarily be for a plot reason but will depend on your emotional transport. A bit like it happens in Dragon Age or Mass Effect, where you don't necessarily have to take this or that character to bed, both female and male, but you can also do without them.
Sex in videogames has always been present and if theories don't deceive me, it will be more and more: after all, otherwise why would you buy Dead or Alive if not for the bobbing shapes of its protagonists? Returning to seriousness, I have deliberately excluded from this rant the 3D sexual games that meander on the web: I think that those filth ruin the world of video games which for me must remain clean at the bottom. Sex exists but that doesn't mean I have to spend hours sticking absurd dildos into orifices of the most disparate humanoid life forms.
“Everything has to do with sex, except sex” Oscar Wilde