The famous fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons is slated for release as the next feature film produced by Paramount e AllSpark Picture, and just recently new developments seem to be spreading regarding its realization. According to what is reported by some reliable sources, it would seem that Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley, already known for being the screenwriters of Spider-Man: Homecoming, are in talks with the companies to grab the roles of directors of the film.
Nothing else seems to have leaked at the moment regarding this mysterious project. After the numerous - and unsuccessful - RPG adaptations that have taken place over the years, a similar cinematic shooting is attracting a lot of curiosity and a whole series of apprehensions and expectations. Undoubtedly, both Daley and Goldstein will be able to live up to the role, should they really manage to get the director's chair.
We just have to wait for some official confirmation either from the legendary duo, or from Paramount itself, which we remember had already scheduled the release of the film dedicated to Dungeons & Dragons by 2021.