PlayStation Japan continues its mission to make its users skilled chefs. This time the prescription shared on your account Twitter è closely linked to the Devil May Cry franchise and will help us prepare the favorite pizza of the famous son of Sparda, Dante Alighieri. The short clip, which you can easily retrieve at the bottom of the article, is fully commented by Dante's Japanese voice actor, Toshiyuki Morikawaci, which shows us all the ingredients needed to make a truly hellish pizza.
- 250 g of soft wheat flour
- 50 g of flour for cakes
- 5 g salt
- 6 g of sugar
- 3 g of dry yeast
- 180 cc of hot water
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- Tomato Sauce
- Mozzarella, quantity as desired by the consumer
- Sliced salami
- Jalapeno (sliced)
- Combine the flour in a bowl along with the salt, sugar, yeast, oil and water.
- Mix everything well, until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
- Knead the dough vigorously and elegantly (until you get a classification Smokin 'Sexy Style, SSS).
- Wrap the dough in cling film, or place it in a covered or airtight container. Let it sit for an hour.
- Knead it again, divide it into two parts before putting it back to rest for 30 minutes.
- Roll out one of the two parts, with a roller or with your hands, and place it on a baking sheet.
- Add the tomato sauce, cheese, salami, and jalapenos.
- Important! Dante hates olives, so we advise you not to add them.
- Bake the pizza in the oven for 12 minutes at 250 ° C.
- When cooked, take the Devil May Cry pizza out of the oven, cut it into slices and enjoy it with whoever you want.
Please note that Devil May Cry 5 is already available for purchase on PS4, Xbox One and PC, together with the Special Edition of the game, usable only for owners of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. If you want to know more about the special edition of the latest effort by Capcom, which will allow you to take on the role of Virgil, you can find ours at the following link review complete.
\ # ゲ ー ム 飯 作 っ て み た! /
11 月 20 日 は # ピ ザ の 日!
と い う こ と で 、 今 回 の レ シ ピ 動画 は 「ピ ザ」 from 『デ ビ ル メ イ ク ラ イ 5』
Please take a look.
オ リ ー ブ は 絶 対 に 入 れ な い で く だ さ い。 # DMC5 # DMC5SE pic.twitter.com/FupJ7Ya8Zi
- プ レ イ ス テ ー シ ョ ン 公式 (@PlayStation_jp) November 20, 2020