Capcom has finally released Devil May Cry 5, the new chapter of the saga dedicated to son of Sparda and demon hunter Dante. Starting from where we were left with Devil May Cry 4 the title brings back to the player not only the famous and fascinating half-demon but also his "protégé" Black and a complete new Entry that is V.
But now let's stop the chatter and let's see how Capcom has decided to put these three authentic demon-killing rages into the hands of the players. Before starting, however, it is necessary to say that the three characters will not be usable with some type of switch but will be made available to the player one at a time mission after mission: starting from Black, then move on to V, until you get to Dante.
One last warning before starting: at the end of the article you will find a section dedicated to Black and Dante Alighieri that to be treated need some small spoiler that goes to ruin the surprises related to the plot of the title. Now that you have been warned you can continue with peace of mind.
The protégé of Dante Alighieri, known in Devil May Cry 4 has grown and it shows. Although he is the first character with whom you can try your hand, and therefore the simplest to use, he should not be underestimated at all.
Obviously the combat system of the character has been completely distorted compared to that of Devil May Cry 4 since it is no longer possible to use his Devil Bringer. However, do not despair, instead of the demonic arm there are now i Devil Breakers (courtesy of Nico which, however, is paid by the weight of red gems any new robotic arm you will want to use).
These new tools can be equipped during the mission briefing or through the statues of the Goddess that you will find by hanging around the maps. In addition i Devil Breaker they can also be put in sequence according to how you intend to face the level and can be sacrificed to obtain devastating effects on enemies.
Each Devil Breaker has its own peculiarity and each of them can break (or be used as a grappling hook) and then be replaced during the fighting, as long as you have some spare (perhaps found around the map or purchased at the Nico).
Below you will find all Devil Breaker in-game (except those only available through downloadable content :)
- Overture: Allows you to hit demons with electric shocks
- Gerbera: It launches sonic waves that become energy beams
- Ragtime: Allows Nero to slow down time for a short time
- Punch Line: You can ride it to fly straight into the face of demons in style
- Buster Arm: Allows you to throw power punches at enemies (you will need the guarantee, it breaks immediately)
- Tomboy: Enhance the shots fired from the gun (be careful this changes the moves of the character)
- Rawhide: Allows Nero to hit enemies with a whip
Fortunately i Devil Breaker they are not the only weapon made available to the character. In fact we also find the sword Red Qeen, which as in Devil May Cry 4 is able to charge by unleashing'Exceed for a more pleasant slaughter. In addition there is also the gun Blue Rose which obviously is an indispensable weapon especially if you learn to exploit in combo with the Devil Breaker Tomboy.
The new entry of the series Capcom is a truly atypical character for fans of the series and a real breath of fresh air that may or may not like depending on your tastes. He is certainly a character that will be appreciated by those players who like to sit on the bench and see them NPC that they give them a good reason.
In fact, most of the skills of V are based on its ability to summon different types of creatures which are: a crow (Griffon), a panther (Shadow) and a golem (Nightmare). Basically V is a character who remains at a safe distance until the enemy is exhausted and then get to finish him with his staff.
Speaking of the creatures that the character summons, Griffon is able to throw elemental attacks ranged by hitting enemies while staying close to V which can attach itself to the crow by its paws and flutter away in case a demon gets too close.
Speaking instead of Shadow, the latter is more a lover of the old style, preferring melee attacks, in fact she attacks demons openly by transforming parts of her body into spikes, tentacles or cogwheels. In short, it is one multi-use panther. The abilities of these two animals can be chained to create combos that can improve their own style score.
Finally we have Nightmare (which unlike the others can only be summoned after loading the Devil Trigger), a golem as huge as it is powerful, which targets a specific enemy autonomously and does not leave it alone until it sees it fall to the ground, after which it switches to the next one until its timer runs out (of course it is possible to control the destructive fury of this creature by climbing it on its back and giving it orders personally).
Also a very useful mechanic of V is to be able to reload the Devil Trigger standing on the sidelines reading your own grimoire while his creatures have breakfast, lunch and dinner with the surrounding demons. But watch out, the reload of the skill is slow and during the process V he is defenseless in case of surprise attacks. Finally, we reiterate that summons cannot kill demons, only the character with a can do it melee shot.
Dante Alighieri
And we come to the character of which everyone was waiting for the great return: Dante Alighieri, famous demon hunter and the last character that will be introduced to us in narrative order (not that the most difficult to learn to maneuver). From the very beginning Dante Alighieri will possess all four of his fighting styles: Trickster, Swordmaster, Gunslinger e Royal Guard.
In addition, each style has four weapons available, so between old glories like the Cerberus ed Ebony & Ivory, and new entries such as the Cavaliere (a motorcycle that if necessary turns out to be a double weapon of all respect), Dante Alighieri not only wins the prize as the most complex character to use but also the one for the various combos that can be chained and the one for the greatest rate of variability in the equipment.
in short Capcom with this legendary hunter this time she really went wild. In fact it is also possible to use Faust, a particular hat that (in addition to delighting us with a beautiful choreography danced by Dante Alighieri in the style of the timeless Michael Jackson) also allows you to perform some peculiar moves. But clearly how each skill of each character must be paid a certain amount red gems.
However, it is important to differentiate between the game difficulties. In fact, if in mode normal you will also be able to sleep soundly without staying in switch style every 3 seconds, in mode son of Sparda (or in any case at higher levels) the game will get tough. Indeed Dante Alighieri it will give its best in these situations when you have to constantly change style to be able to chain more combos and destroy all the demons that will appear in front of you.
Plus be it Black is Dante Alighieri they have one thing in common: the attacks in the air, which not only allow you to reset the animations making everything faster, but also allow an incredible concatenation of attacks with which (if you are careful) you can easily and safely arrive to the SSS style score coveted by many.
Spoiler alert
At the beginning we talked about a couple of particularities related to Dante and Nero, which however constitute spoilers for those who have not yet finished the game. At this point, however, the warnings were made then we take no responsibility.
Starting from Black. The latter at the end of the game again acquires the famous Devil Bringer, but this does not prevent the player from making use of the Devil Breaker which indeed in this way acquire even more relevance in the gameplay remaining integrated into the combat system of the character. Furthermore Black also comes back to have a Devil Trigger which combined with the Devil Breaker creates literally explosive combos.
Passing instead to Dante Alighieri the spoiler is minor but there is. There is talk of a sword called Yamato, like his brother's katana Vergil, which also possesses the same powers and in addition endows Dante Alighieri of a special ability that allows him to summon energy lances that change shape depending on the style used. It goes without saying that a similar skill combined with the continuous style change, combined with the constant change of weapons make the character's combos lethal and decidedly a hundred times more spectacular.
With these last notes we end this guide to the characters of Devil May Cry 5 and we recommend you read our review too! We also remind you that the new title Capcom is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox one and PC.
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